
5 Reasons to Try the Binance Desktop App

10. Okt. 2020 3 Min. gelesen
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We recently released a new version of the Binance app for desktop and laptop computers, providing you access to Binance’s services through a dedicated computer program. The updated Binance Desktop app is available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. We optimize the app for major operating systems and offer improved performance and increased speed.

Most users access Binance through their web browsers. But while this method is something that many are accustomed to, we want to offer the Binance desktop app as an alternative or complement to your crypto trading needs on the computer. Here are some of the advantages you get when you download the Binance desktop app.

1. Faster loading times and smoother user experience for a better trading experience

One key difference between the Binance website and the desktop app is the overall user experience. While the interface is similar for both platforms, the desktop app quickly displays parts of the trading platform that sometimes might take a while to load on the website due to varying Internet speeds in different areas. This is especially important in the fast-paced, 24/7 crypto markets because every second counts when it comes to crypto trading.

2. More secure access to Binance without phishing or other browser-related risks

One of the more common risks that come with accessing Binance through your browser is the danger of phishing. There are a lot of malicious websites that pretend to be Binance, and these sites can endanger your account by deceptively obtaining your login details. With the Binance desktop app, you’re sure that you’re connected to the legitimate Binance platform, without having to deal with risks that you might encounter with using your Internet browser.

3. Convenient and secure log-in using QR code scanning

One of the newer updates for the Binance desktop app, this feature lets you log in to your Binance account on your computer by using the QR code scanner on your Binance mobile app. This is the latest addition to our ongoing effort to keep our users SAFU.

4. Switching feature between multiple accounts

Another feature that’s recently launched for the Binance desktop app is its support for multiple accounts. This is especially useful for institutional users who handle crypto portfolios through sub-accounts, but even retail users will find this useful for different purposes.

5. Access Binance just about anywhere in the world*

There are times when Internet services in certain parts of the world may be unable to connect you to Binance, due to certain restrictions that may be beyond their control.  These issues usually affect your access via the browser, but with the Binance desktop app, you get to avoid these browser-related issues. All you need is a stable Internet connection, and you’re good to go.

We encourage you to download the Binance desktop app today and experience an enhanced trading experience.

\* Real-time access may vary from time to time in certain areas.

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