
Change Log: Version 1.107

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Version 1.107


  • Added a pop-up to the Affiliate Dashboard to notify EEA customers about upcoming program changes


  • Added loading indicator in the Spread Ladder

  • Added rate, period and expired filters to Funding and the rate to Funding notifications after creating a bid or offer

  • Updated to disable order form actions for guest users

  • Updated to validate nickname requirements on typing

  • Updated the address dropdown to close on the second click in the withdrawal address whitelist settings

  • Updated to add a cancel button for the 2FA disable confirmation pop-up in security settings

  • Updated to display a new subaccount in the list once it has been created

  • Updated to improve the security settings page responsiveness for small screens

  • Updated to add tooltips with the whole API keys text for long labels

  • Updated the crypto deposit helpful text in the wallet field when no memo or tag was generated

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the tour and guides pop-up on page reload

  • Fixed the Order Form readability issue in the SAT (BTC) view mode

  • Fixed the buttons issue on the detached Ladder widget

  • Fixed the Depth chart states centred vertically

  • Fixed the Order Form amount slider reset

  • Fixed to re-add the ticker name in the 24h volume currency tooltip of the Tickers widget

  • Fixed the WS subscribe request to P0 not sent when increasing precision from P1

  • Fixed the FRR funding offer notification not showing the rate amount

  • Fixed the withdrawal Note character limit which could cause the API request to fail

  • Fixed the tokens’ tooltip visibility issue in the withdrawal status pop-up.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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