
Bitfinex to Be One of First Exchanges to List BLAST, Native Token of Blast L2

24. Juni 2024 3 Min. gelesen
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Developed by the creators of the renowned NFT platform Blur (whose BLUR token is also listed on Bitfinex), Blast is an EVM-compatible solution, designed to address Ethereum’s scalability hurdles by boosting transaction throughput while reducing expenses.

Conventionally, managing staking demands active engagement from users. Blast removes this responsibility for the user, taking on staking duties within its ecosystem, and distinguishing itself as an L2 platform with built-in yield.

Once assets are bridged to Blast’s network on Ethereum’s mainchain, they seamlessly undergo automatic staking, initiating interest accrual. Powered by Blast’s intelligent contracts, this interest is pooled and subsequently distributed to users in the form of ETH and stablecoins.

“Blast is an exciting project that is offering customers more opportunities to earn yield by staking their digital assets. We are pleased to add BLAST to our vast selection of token offerings for our customers,” said Henry Child, Head of Tokens at Bitfinex.

Deposits of BLAST open at approximately 2:00 PM UTC on 24th June, 2024, subject to network conditions. Trading is planned to commence at approximately 3:00 PM UTC on 26th June, 2024, contingent upon liquidity requirements being met. BLAST will be tradable against US Dollars (BLAST/USD) and Tether tokens (BLAST/USDt).

To obtain access to BLAST on Bitfinex, customers can visit https://www.bitfinex.com/?refcode=0bC4Lljc.

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About Bitfinex

Founded in 2012, Bitfinex is a digital token trading platform offering state-of-the-art services for traders and global liquidity providers. In addition to a suite of advanced trading features and charting tools, Bitfinex provides access to peer-to-peer financing, an OTC market and margin trading for a wide selection of digital tokens. Bitfinex’s strategy focuses on providing unparalleled support, tools, and innovation for experienced traders and liquidity providers around the world. Visit www.bitfinex.com to learn more.

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The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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