
Binance Learn and Earn With CHZ: Recap & Quiz

29. Aug. 2020 2 Min. gelesen
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Remember, you must pass the quiz below to become eligible for the CHZ giveaway. Here is a Recap of Learn & Earn CHZ:


What is Chiliz $CHZ?

Chiliz is the leading digital currency for sports and entertainment. Chiliz is tokenizing some of the biggest sports and esports teams in the world, including FC Barcelona, Juventus, and OG (Dota 2 world champions).


What is Socios.com?

Socios.com is a consumer-facing application driving the mass adoption of blockchain technology. Fans of Chiliz/Socios partners can vote in exclusive club decisions to receive once in a lifetime rewards and experiences.

Learn more


What is a Fan Token Offering (FTO)?

A Fan Token Offering is when the Fan Token of one of Chiliz partners is offered for the first time at a fixed price. Following the FTO, the tokens are traded on the open market. Chiliz/Socios recently sold out the $BAR (FC Barcelona) Fan Token generating $1.3mn in revenue. Chiliz & Socios have four FTOs coming up on 25 August.


What are the future plans for Chiliz and Socios?

Chiliz/Socios are looking to onboard 50 or more Intellectual Property(s) before the end of the year and host around 30 Fan Token Offerings (first offering of Fan Tokens) of clubs and teams across multiple sports verticals.


How to Buy CHZ with Fiat?

There are several ways to buy ZIL on Binance, but we’ve summarized the most straightforward depending on your currency and language.



The quiz will be open from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC on 29th August 2020

Complete the Quiz for a chance to claim up to $10 in CHZ!

Refer a friend to Binance using your referral ID and if they complete KYC and Complete this quiz too you will win up to $40 in CHZ.

Start investing in crypto today. Buy CHZ on Binance.

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