
Binance Labs Invests In MilkyWay To Support The Advancement Of Modular Liquid Staking

1. Jan. 1 3 Min. gelesen
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Yi He, Co-Founder of Binance and Head of Binance Labs said: “We are supportive of Labs' portfolio Celestia's ecosystem enrichment and this Binance Labs investment supports an innovative project propelling use cases within the Celestia ecosystem. We look forward to MilkyWay’s growth and development within the modularity data availability space.”

Founded by a team of engineers and builders from Tendermint, Osmosis, Cosmostation, Oak Security, and Composable Finance, MilkyWay has grown to serve over 156,000+ milkTIA holders and has over 2.6 million TIA tokens staked since inception. MilkyWay has seamlessly integrated with more than ten DeFi protocols to offer a holistic user experience that spans trading, leveraging, lending, and borrowing activities, enabling users to earn additional yields on top of the native rewards from staking in the network.

JayB, Founder and CEO at MilkyWay said: “MilkyWay is a liquid staking protocol designed specifically for the modular ecosystem. Our goal is to build the most secure and robust modular liquid staking protocol, while continuously innovating to expand the capabilities of our protocol within the modular ecosystem through cutting-edge technology. We are honored and excited to have the support of Binance Labs in realizing this vision.”

About MilkyWay

MilkyWay, launched in December 2023, is a pioneering liquid staking protocol within the modular ecosystem, serving over 150,000 users. Its LST, milkTIA, is integrated into more than 10 DeFi applications across the ecosystem. Currently, MilkyWay is developing a rollup that will serve as a foundational layer, enabling its LST to provide enhanced security services throughout the modular ecosystem. For more information, follow MilkyWay on X.

About Binance Labs

As the venture capital arm and accelerator of Binance, Binance Labs has now grown to be worth over $10 billion. Its portfolio covers 250 projects from over 25 countries across six continents and has a return on investment rate of over 14X. Fifty of Binance Labs’ portfolio companies are projects that have gone through our incubation programs. For more information, follow Binance Labs on X.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice, endorsement, analysis, or recommendations with respect to any financial instruments, investments, or issuers. This article may contain forward-looking statements which are by nature subject to risks and uncertainties. Investment in cryptocurrency and DeFi projects involves substantial risk, including the risk of complete loss. This article does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation, or specific needs of any particular person and each individual is urged to consult their legal and financial advisors before making any investment decisions.

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