
BakerySwap launches BETH liquidity farming in collaboration with Binance - $100k in Rewards and a Guaranteed BAKE Airdrop

5. Jan. 2021 2 Min. gelesen
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Activity Period:

2021/01/06 20:00 PM - 2021/01/13 20:00 PM (SGT)

Activity Details:

During the activity period, users who provide liquidity to any of the BETH trading pairs (BETH-ETH, BETH-BNB, BETH-BUSD) on the BakerySwap platform will earn BAKE tokens from a $90,000 reward pool, along with ETH 2.0 staking rewards, in addition to qualifying to share a $10,000 BAKE airdrop.

Reward Distribution:

  • $90,000 in BAKE rewards allocated across the three BETH pairs (BETH-ETH, BETH-BNB, BETH-BUSD) as liquidity mining rewards.

  • $10,000 in BAKE as a guaranteed airdrop to any users that farm any of the three BETH pairs (BETH-ETH, BETH-BNB, BETH-BUSD) on BakerySwap during the activity period and will be shared equally amongst all eligible users.

  • ETH 2.0 staking rewards (distributed for harvesting once daily).

How to participate:

  1. Stake ETH on Binance.com to get BETH

  2. Create a Binance Smart Chain wallet (Click here for a guide)

  3. Withdraw the $BETH from your Binance.com account to your Binance Smart Chain wallet.

  4. Provide liquidity to BETH trading pairs on BakerySwap 'Exchange' page to obtain LP tokens.

  5. Stake the LP tokens on the ' ETH2.0' page on BakerySwap.

  6. Done! Now you’re earning BAKE, ETH 2.0 rewards and qualify for the $10,000 BAKE airdrop!

For more details, please click here.

Terms & Conditions

1. Each user may only qualify for the $10,000 BAKE participation airdrop once, meaning if a user provides liquidity to all three of the eligible BETH trading pairs during the activity period, they will still only receive 1 share of the total airdrop rewards.

2. Users found to be creating multiple Binance Smart Chain wallets will be blacklisted from the activity and not receive rewards of any kind.

3. The $10,000 BAKE participation airdrop will be distributed to eligible participants' Binance Smart Chain wallets within 14 days of the activity period ending.

4. Binance reserves the right to disqualify users that are deemed to be participating in bulk wallet creation.

5. Binance reserves the right to cancel or amend any Activity or Activity Rules at our sole discretion.


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