
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: Crypto Will 'Transcend Any One Currency

3. 8. 2023 3 min. čtení
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A Potential Game-Changer

As the world's largest asset manager, with assets totaling $9.5 trillion, BlackRock's entry into the cryptocurrency space through its application for a spot Bitcoin ETF has sparked interest among institutional investors. This interest has led to an influx of capital, driving the price of Bitcoin to a 12-month high.

Fink explained that BlackRock believes in the democratization of investing and sees the rising demand for cryptocurrencies among global investors. He referred to crypto as an international asset, indicating its borderless nature, and suggested that this characteristic could make it immune to the impact of fluctuations in any particular currency's value.

The Power of an International Crypto Product

According to Fink, the international nature of cryptocurrencies presents a significant advantage. As an "international crypto product" emerges, it could potentially overcome the problem of dollar devaluation, offering investors a way to diversify their portfolios beyond traditional assets.

A spot market Bitcoin ETF, if approved, would be a game-changer for institutional investors. Such an ETF would provide them with direct exposure to Bitcoin's price movement without the complexities of storage and custody concerns. Consequently, this could lead to a further inflow of funds into the cryptocurrency market.

Understanding ETFs and Their Role

To comprehend the potential impact of a spot Bitcoin ETF, it's essential to grasp the concept of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). ETFs are investment vehicles that allow individuals to buy shares representing the value of an underlying asset, such as gold, foreign currencies, or in this case, cryptocurrency.

While the U.S. currently lacks a spot Bitcoin ETF, several well-known investment firms have sought approval from the SEC to establish one. However, the SEC has been cautious in granting approval, raising concerns about market manipulation as a significant obstacle.

Embracing the Future: Tokenization

In addition to his positive outlook on cryptocurrencies, Larry Fink has also been vocal about the rise of tokenization. He believes that tokenization is the "next generation for markets." This process involves converting real-world assets into digital tokens, which can then be traded on blockchain networks. Fink's perspective on tokenization further demonstrates his progressive approach to the evolving financial landscape.

Evolution of Opinions

Larry Fink's journey into the world of cryptocurrencies has been a dynamic one. In 2017, he criticized Bitcoin, suggesting it primarily facilitated money laundering. However, over the years, his views evolved, recognizing Bitcoin's merits as a "great asset." This transformation of opinions underscores the rapidly changing perceptions of cryptocurrencies within the financial industry.


As the CEO of BlackRock, one of the most influential asset management firms globally, Larry Fink's endorsement of cryptocurrency as an investment is a significant milestone for the crypto market. With BlackRock's application for a spot Bitcoin ETF, institutional investors are keenly awaiting the SEC's decision. If approved, this could herald a new era for cryptocurrencies, allowing them to play a more prominent role in diversified investment portfolios. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, it is evident that the future holds exciting possibilities for the world of cryptocurrencies and tokenization.


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