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Bidding for the Future: ProShares and Bitwise Seek Approval for Bitcoin and Ether ETFs

4. 8. 2023 3 min. čtení
Bannerový obrázek novinového článku

The investment industry has taken a leap towards crypto acceptance as ProShares unveiled plans for a Bitcoin and Ether Equal Weight ETF. This fund's performance would be determined by "the performance of holding long positions in the nearest maturing monthly bitcoin and ether futures contracts."

Bitwise is not far behind with their proposal for a Bitcoin and Ether Market Weight ETF. Together, these filings indicate a growing trend in the traditional finance sector to incorporate digital assets into their offerings.

Bitwise and ProShares Transforming the Cryptocurrency Landscape

Their recent filings have generated considerable excitement in the cryptocurrency community, as they mark a significant shift towards the acceptance of digital assets. Until now, the U.S. has only permitted investment in bitcoin futures ETFs, backed by bitcoin derivatives, but the latest filings from ProShares and Bitwise might signal a change.

ProShares has been an early adopter in the crypto space, with their existing roster of funds including a bitcoin futures ETF. This latest filing builds upon their previous efforts to blend traditional investment structures with the burgeoning world of digital currencies.

December saw another ambitious move from ProShares, as they filed an application for an ETF focused on the metaverse, reinforcing their commitment to the emerging technology.

Bitwise, on the other hand, has been a steady advocate for cryptocurrency investment, and their latest proposal aligns with their commitment to driving innovation within the financial sphere.

The potential approval of these ETFs could open new doors for mainstream investors to engage with cryptocurrencies, enabling a wider audience to benefit from the growth of these digital assets.

The excitement and anticipation around a possible spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund have only been further fueled by these latest filings. A green light from the SEC would indeed be a historic moment, ushering in a new era of investment possibilities for the public.

In conclusion, the actions of ProShares and Bitwise reflect a broader sentiment within the financial industry to embrace the cryptocurrency market. Their proposed ETFs, focusing on Bitcoin and Ether, signal a promising future for digital assets and could set a precedent for further integration of cryptocurrencies into traditional investment platforms.

The coming months will surely be a period to watch as the SEC reviews these applications, potentially paving the way for a more diverse and accessible cryptocurrency market.


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