Coinbase Automated Trading

The Coinbase automated trading bot is a tool that helps you trade on the Coinbase exchange. The bot can automatically place orders based on your desired parameters. For example, you can tell the Coinbase trading bot to buy or sell when the price reaches a certain level. You can also set stop-loss and take-profit orders to limit your losses or lock in profits.

The bot is user-friendly and easy to set up, which makes trading more efficient and helps you stay on top of market changes.

What is Coinbase

Coinbase is a world-class crypto trading platform built for sophisticated traders. As one of the most trusted crypto exchanges, Coinbase Advanced combines industry-leading liquidity and powerful trading tools to deliver the ultimate trading experience. This includes:

  • 550+ market pairs
  • The ability to earn 4.6% USDC rewards on trading balances
  • Advanced order types
  • Real-time market data and order books with high throughput APIs, and more

What is Cryptohopper?

Cryptohopper is an automated trading bot that can scan and trade crypto 24/7. Cryptohopper is the most popular cryptocurrency trading bot on the market. With multiple features like automated trading, market making, portfolio bots, Cryptohopper is the complete package for beginner and advanced traders.

Benefits of Using a Coinbase Bot

Using a Coinbase crypto trading bot offers several valuable benefits, including:

  • Automation: Executes trades automatically, saving time and reducing manual effort.
  • 24/7 Trading: Operates continuously, even when the trader is offline.
  • Emotion-Free Trading: Removes emotional biases from trading decisions.
  • Custom Strategies: Allows users to implement and test trading strategies.
  • Quick Execution: Reacts to market changes faster than manual trading.

How to Connect to Coinbase Advanced

To create a Coinbase account through Cryptohopper, or to connect an existing one, follow these steps:

  1. When creating a new bot in Cryptohopper, select Coinbase Advanced as your exchange.
  2. Click on "Login with Coinbase Advanced" to proceed.
  3. This will guide you through the process of setting up or connecting your Coinbase account directly to Cryptohopper.

    Do you prefer using API Keys instead, for example when trading with sub accounts (Coinbase Portfolios)? Refer to this guide on how to connect to Coinbase with API Keys.

    Frequently asked questions

    How to use trading bot on Coinbase Advanced

    The Coinbase Advanced trading bot is beginner-friendly and easy to use. Follow our documentation on how the settings and dashboard works.

    How to create a trading bot for Coinbase Advanced

    Creating a bot for trading on Coinbase Advanced trading bot is simple and intuitive. Follow our step-by-step tutorials on building your trading bot, and start trading now.

    Is the Coinbase Advanced trading bot free?

    Cryptohopper offers a free 3-day trial and manual trading always remains free. For details on other packages, visit our pricing page.

    What are the Coinbase Advanced trading fees?

    You can find the Coinbase Advanced trading fees on their official website.

    Latest news of Coinbase





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