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Big Whale Signals

Big Whale Signals

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Our exclusive crypto market signal service leverages AI algorithms to provide entry points for successful trades in the cryptocurrency market. The following are some key advantages of our service:
- Accurate predictions: Our AI algorithms analyze market trends and patterns to generate highly accurate predictions.
- Real-time insights: Our signals are generated in real-time, giving you the latest information and insights for informed trading decisions.
- Works in any market condition: Our algorithms are designed to adapt to changing market conditions, ensuring that our signals remain accurate and relevant no matter what the market is doing.
- User-friendly interface: Our platform is user-friendly and easy to use, making it accessible to traders of all skill levels.
- 24/7 support: Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns.
- High success rate: Our signal service has a proven track record of delivering successful trades, giving you the confidence to invest with confidence.

In summary, our exclusive AI-powered crypto signal service provides accurate, real-time insights and works in any market condition. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting out, our service is the ideal tool to help you navigate the cryptocurrency market with confidence.

- Take Profit: 7%.
- SL: 20%.
- Trailing SL: 0.75%, arming at 4%.

- Jumper Starts Premium Signals.


Signal Details

Subscription fee

$ 14.99


Binance,, BingX, Bitfinex, BitMart, Bitvavo, Bybit, Coinbase Advanced,, EXMO, HitBTC, Kraken, KuCoin, OKX

Weekly results

Average profit buy signals

10.36 %

Total buy signals


Average profit sell signals

0.00 %

Total sell signals


Last months performance

Performance is being caclulated by adding the signal's highest and lowest results together. Each entry point represents the signal’s highest minus the lowest after 24 hours (as in the Performance report) divided by the number of signals in that day.

Profit distribution buy signals


CoinExchangeQuote currencyTypeDateHighest/LowestView
HIPENGUINS KuCoin USDT Buy 1725667939 44.88% / -8.45%
CELO USDT Buy 1725667119 5.28% / -0.08%
DUEL BingX USDT Buy 1725662860 10.24% / -4.43%
AXS EXMO USDT Buy 1725660947 19.57% / -0.79%
AXS Binance BNB Buy 1725660375 1.52% / -0.47%
MUSE Coinbase Advanced USD Buy 1725659803 4.68% / -0.54%
GRT Bitfinex USD Buy 1725659428 4.03% / -1.40%
ENA Kraken USD Buy 1725658854 8.07% / -0.76%
BCH Coinbase Advanced GBP Buy 1725656929 6.68% / -0.93%
PYTH Bybit USDT Buy 1725656741 5.74% / -1.47%
LUNA KuCoin USDT Buy 1725656370 7.56% / -0.91%
SUPER USDT Buy 1725656189 7.33% / -0.62%
CROID USD Buy 1725650324 6.76% / -2.27%
PONKE BingX USDT Buy 1725648403 15.78% / -3.29%
HNT Coinbase Advanced USDC Buy 1725648215 4.43% / -7.37%
NPC BitMart USDT Buy 1725646084 8.84% / -4.38%
GORILLA BitMart USDT Buy 1725643221 10.46% / -2.42%
GUMMY BingX USDT Buy 1725642650 8.79% / -4.24%
ATOM EXMO EUR Buy 1725640682 4.67% / -11.22%
HIP KuCoin USDT Buy 1725638957 1.67% / -11.67%
MATIC EXMO USDC Buy 1725637818 80.47% / -42.25%
CHAT BingX USDT Buy 1725636861 6.60% / -8.54%
MOG KuCoin USDT Buy 1725636093 6.19% / -8.43%
GHST Bitvavo EUR Buy 1725634177 2.67% / -3.51%
POPCAT KuCoin USDT Buy 1725633223 4.11% / -9.28%
IVFUN BingX USDT Buy 1725631044 12.78% / -4.85%
TNSR Coinbase Advanced USDC Buy 1725630854 3.44% / -8.75%
XTZ EXMO USD Buy 1725623281 8.85% / -6.75%
TAI Bybit USDT Buy 1725613160 3.78% / -2.90%
MAHA KuCoin USDT Buy 1725612786 3.61% / -6.50%
1000SATS Binance USDT Buy 1725608094 12.00% / -3.46%
QNT Bitvavo EUR Buy 1725607907 3.19% / -5.43%
IO BingX USDT Buy 1725607719 8.17% / -5.43%
HIP BingX USDT Buy 1725601927 2.57% / -13.15%
AA KuCoin USDT Buy 1725601162 2.09% / -8.87%
ZEC HitBTC BTC Buy 1725600212 3.70% / -1.85%
KEY BingX USDT Buy 1725599067 4.06% / -7.37%
COS USD Buy 1725583486 7.18% / -1.48%
NEO USDT Buy 1725582910 8.44% / -1.25%
SPACEPI BitMart USDT Buy 1725582129 2.63% / -6.14%
ZUZALU BingX USDT Buy 1725581536 1.54% / -0.88%
BULL BitMart USDT Buy 1725576211 91.42% / -0.62%
MINA Bitvavo EUR Buy 1725567061 1.76% / -3.81%
ATH USD Buy 1725565847 3.40% / -5.02%
KTC BingX USDT Buy 1725563941 11.43% / -1.97%
$AMC BitMart USDT Buy 1725555779 88.11% / -2.56%
DINO BingX USDT Buy 1725552280 0.19% / -0.96%
NYAN Bybit USDT Buy 1725551828 4.52% / -1.21%
ADA EXMO USD Buy 1725550297 3.05% / -3.01%
F3 BitMart USDT Buy 1725549918 6.45% / -1.85%

These realtime stats are based on all trade data of the last month.

Average profits based on buy signals

Exchange Quote currency Buys Average profit
Binance.usUSDT11.61 %
Coinbase AdvancedUSD4-3.12 %
Crypto.comUSD2-4.43 %

Reviews (2)

The signals provided on this page are not provided by Cryptohopper, but by external advisors. Although we check and validate each signaller, Cryptohopper will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage due to the use of these external signals.

* All prices on this website are excluding VAT and excluding payment provider fees (if applicable).

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