
Worldcoin Wonders: New Blockchain-Based Identity Network by ChatGPT Founder

8 sie 2023 Czas czytania: 2 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

Worldcoin's native token, WLD, has maintained a consistent value of $2 to $2.50. The digital currency's stability has distinguished it from the volatility typically observed in other newly-launched cryptocurrencies.

Worldcoin's Unique Selling Proposition

Genesis Trading's co-head of trading, Gordon Grant, expressed mixed opinions on Worldcoin's future. While some investors are optimistic, others remain cautious, with Genesis Trading abstaining from offering the token.

Worldcoin's ambition for the coming 15 years is to distribute 10 billion tokens into the market. As of Monday, data from CoinGecko indicates a circulating supply of 120 million tokens, or roughly 1.2% of the total planned future supply.

Investor Insights and Tech Enthusiasm

Investors like Andreessen Horowitz support Worldcoin's plan for a "proof of personhood" based on a digital ID system. PitchBook analyst Robert Le acknowledged the presence of other startups working on similar initiatives, but highlighted Worldcoin's unprecedented scale.

The project's vision emphasizes the growing necessity of human verification in a world increasingly populated by artificial intelligence bots.

Retail Investment and Regulatory Scrutiny

James Butterfill, head of research at CoinShares, predicts that current buyers are likely retail investors. The uncertainty surrounding Worldcoin's classification as a security may deter institutional investors.

Regulatory bodies in Germany have scrutinized Worldcoin since November of last year. Additionally, the company's iris-scanning operations in Kenya were halted due to potential public safety risks.

Riyad Carey, a research analyst at blockchain analytics firm Kaiko, stated that regulatory investigations are never favorable for a token. Nonetheless, Worldcoin maintains that its ID system is "completely private" and designed to ensure anonymity, and insists that it is actively cooperating with regulators.

Conclusion: A Bold Vision with Challenges Ahead

Worldcoin represents a promising but controversial innovation within the cryptocurrency landscape. Its ambitious goal of establishing a blockchain-based identity and financial network has attracted both attention and skepticism.

The coming months will be crucial for Worldcoin, as the project navigates regulatory scrutiny and seeks to prove its potential in a crowded and competitive crypto market. Its success or failure could signal a turning point for digital identity systems and set precedents for future blockchain-based projects.

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