
What is PORTO?

24 lis 2022 Czas czytania: 3 min
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Key points for “”. The Porto football club insignia is shown with a soccer field in the background and tokens as well as a soccer ball floating throughout.
Key points for “”. The Porto football club insignia is shown with a soccer field in the background and tokens as well as a soccer ball floating throughout.

What is PORTO?

PORTO is the official fan token of the FC Porto football club and runs on the Binance blockchain. The BEP-20 based token allows, like other fan tokens, its holders to participate in exclusive events and perks related to the club. [NFT event mention] What this is meant to do is improve and add another dimension to the fan experience for FC Porto supporters. Not only this, because it is listed on various exchanges, PORTO has the potential to attract new fans all over the world.

Like other fan tokens, PORTO gives its holders governing power. For instance, a holder could vote on something like kit colors, new social media profile pictures for the team, what song to play when a goal is scored, and so on and so forth.

Background of FC Porto

FC Porto, founded in Porto, Portugal, the town for which it is named. It competes in the top-level league in Portugal, Primeira Liga and is regarded as one of the “Big Three” teams in the country. Having amassed its devoted fans since its founding in 1893, the club may very well be looking to expand this fandom further.

Why was PORTO created?

The main mission of the PORTO fan token is to improve the fan experience by offering the opportunity to enjoy various exclusive perks including interacting with the team and making certain decisions for the club. It also, due to crypto’s global availability, has the potential to attract new fans from all over the world.

For FC Porto, this token brings in a new revenue stream in a time when it might very well be needed, especially for an organization that relies on in-person events which have understandably taken a hit amid the coronavirus pandemic. This, along with the track record of previous fan token launches may have also contributed to FC Porto’s decision to launch the token.

So what about the fans? Why would FC Porto launch this to better serve its fan base? Let’s take a look at what PORTO holders can expect from their fan token.

What can one do with the $PORTO token?

As it is a governance token, PORTO can be used to vote for various club-related decisions and make their voices heard in team polls. They also get access to Binance features like Binance Charity and Binance Pay. The token is also incorporated into FC Porto’s ticketing and merchandise payment ecosystem.

There is more dimensionality to the fan experience for PORTO holders in that they have access to loyalty subscription, NFT collections, mini-games, plus other perks. Furthermore, FC Porto also has a Fan Badge feature for token holders, which unlock exclusive experiences for extra dedicated token holders/fans. Overall, the token helps fans become closer with the team, even offering them gamification features that offer more rewards and perks.

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