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Tokenization Trend: Chainlink and Fidelity Tokenize $6.9 Billion Fund Data On-Chain

3 lip 2024 Czas czytania: 2 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

In a significant move, Chainlink, in collaboration with Fidelity International and Sygnum, has successfully tokenized $6.9 billion worth of asset data from Fidelity’s Institutional Liquidity Fund. This partnership marks a milestone in the practical application of blockchain technology for digital asset management.

The initiative leverages Chainlink's blockchain abstraction layer to tokenize Fidelity’s fund data, setting a precedent for transparency and efficiency in asset management. Sergey Nazarov, co-founder of Chainlink, emphasized the transformative impact of fund tokenization on global asset management, practices.

Fund tokenization one of the Largest Trends

“Fund tokenization represents one of the largest digital asset trends today, signaling a pivotal moment as major asset management firms embrace blockchain technology. The scalability and efficiency advantages of tokenized funds are poised to redefine how the entire industry operates,” Nazarov stated.

The collaboration also includes Sygnum’s tokenization of $50 million from Matter Labs’ treasury reserves, integrated into Fidelity International’s money market fund on the ZKsync blockchain through Chainlink's SCALE program. This integration ensures accurate Net Asset Value (NAV) reporting in real-time, enhancing decision-making across the market.

Nazarov further elaborated on the benefits of tokenization, noting its ability to facilitate instant settlement and improve capital utilization through efficient collateral management. He predicts a broader transformation in asset management, transitioning from traditional records to blockchain-based smart contracts across various asset classes.

Following the announcement, Chainlink’s token (LINK) briefly increased by 2%, reflecting market optimism towards blockchain innovations in asset management. Currently trading at approximately $14.48, the token’s performance underscores growing confidence in its utility within the digital economy.

Bottom Line: The collaboration between Chainlink, Fidelity International, and Sygnum marks a milestone in blockchain's practical application, paving the way for enhanced transparency and efficiency in global asset management through fund tokenization.

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