
The Kraken employee value proposition

24 lip 2024 Czas czytania: 5 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

That’s why we built an employee value proposition (EVP): to provide candidates with the blueprint showing how Kraken’s mission, culture, and values have made us the #14 Most Loved Workplace in the world.

What is an EVP?

An EVP is a statement of what you can expect from an employer –  the organizational characteristics that will define your day-to-day work experience. It takes a holistic view of a workplace and often includes cultural, career development  and employee benefit sections.

Our EVP helps candidates understand what drives us. Generally, they’re the same things that drive prospective employees who end up being a solid fit as a Kraken employee (aka Krakenite). Our EVP inspires commitment, helps us attract the most qualified talent worldwide, and describes the Krakenite experience.

Mission above all

Our mission guides everything we do at Kraken. We work hard to  explain our culture clearly so we can attract candidates who are the right fit.

We believe in universal access to a workplace where Krakenites can invest in themselves and grow as professionals. Just as we work to be a bridge from traditional finance to crypto in a larger sense, we also provide the support, tools and education to help people from all industries transition to working in crypto.

But it all starts with mission. And because mission is so important at Kraken, if you share our passion to help people gain financial freedom, there’s a good chance that Kraken is where you belong.

Join the revolution

We give Krakenites the tools and resources they need to build a crypto career and create a more inclusive financial future.

Client-centricity through security and transparency

Krakenites are known for security, client-centricity and superior product offerings. We are bold in our beliefs; comfortable thinking outside the box and sharing those ideas. We are candid, transparent and direct – but always kind, collaborative and humble. We value skills, knowledge and ability above credentials and presentation, ensuring that our talented team is hired on merit.

Empowered by autonomy

Our asynchronous and globally remote work culture offers flexibility to create a schedule that suits both your team’s and your personal life’s needs. Dive into impactful work that brings personal growth and fulfillment, learning from crypto experts daily. Chart your own professional path, driving your crypto career forward with our diverse learning & development programs.

We prioritize a balanced life, offering globally competitive compensation (with the option to take some or all of your pay in crypto), flexible time off and wellness benefits. Our annual retreats provide a unique opportunity for our global teams to come together, fostering diversity of thought and building meaningful work relationships.

Make things happen

Be part of a radically transparent environment where your voice is heard and respected. Our working environment is built on the cornerstones of authenticity, humility and respect. We encourage kindhearted and candid interactions.

You’ll collaborate with the brightest minds from 70+ countries, all passionate about global crypto adoption. Crypto is fast-paced and dynamic. We see the unknowns as opportunities to apply creative thinking and build novel solutions, remaining adaptive, adventurous and nimble.

Committed to crypto

Crypto conviction is at the core of everything we do. We passionately believe in our mission to accelerate worldwide cryptocurrency adoption, channeling this passion into Kraken’s products and services.

We have each other’s backs, always pulling in the same direction and committing to the operating principles that guide our journey towards success. We embrace our values of Crypto Conviction, Assume Best Intent, Innovative, Collaborative, Client Obsessed, Humble, Productively Paranoid and Globally Inclusive, putting them into action every day.

Curious self-starter

We value individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit who have a curious, self-starting mindset. We’re looking for go-getters and innovators who approach complex problems with creative solutions, taking initiative to further their personal and professional development.

We believe that this is your adventure, too, and we encourage you to own your growth while staying focused on delivering results, from personal career objectives to company goals.

Open-minded and accountable

We foster a culture of open-mindedness and accountability, where clear communication is key. We embrace honest and humble communication with our fellow Krakenites and take extreme ownership of our actions.

We believe that feedback is a gift, and we crave and value critical feedback as a tool for continuous improvement.

See what your future can be

Do you see yourself and your values reflected in the Kraken EVP? Feeling inspired to join the revolution? Learn about our open roles below.

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