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SEC Launches Task Force to Develop Clear Crypto Asset Regulations

7 godzin temu Czas czytania: 2 min
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The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has launched a new task force focused on developing a comprehensive regulatory framework for crypto assets. This initiative, introduced by Acting SEC Chairman Mark T. Uyeda, aims to provide clearer guidelines for the rapidly evolving crypto industry.

The task force will be led by Commissioner Hester Peirce, with Richard Gabbert, Senior Advisor to Chairman Uyeda, serving as the Chief of Staff. Taylor Asher, Senior Policy Advisor, will take on the role of Chief Policy Advisor.

Clear Crypto Regulations Incoming

The task force's primary focus will be on several critical areas of cryptocurrency asset regulation, including registration procedures, disclosure policies, and the effective implementation of regulatory measures. Historically, the SEC has approached crypto regulation reactively, often relying on enforcement actions. This new initiative seeks to take a more proactive stance by establishing clearer, more structured rules.

Commissioner Peirce emphasized the importance of engaging a broad range of stakeholders in the process. “This undertaking will take time, patience, and much hard work. It will succeed only if the Task Force has input from a wide range of investors, industry participants, academics, and other interested parties,” she said.

Looking Ahead: The SEC plans to actively involve the public by soliciting input and holding roundtable discussions in the near future, allowing stakeholders to contribute to the development of the regulatory framework. This move underscores the SEC's intention to bring more clarity to the crypto space while addressing the growing need for appropriate regulation.


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