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Marhaba Arabia: Binance Launches Arabic Language and More for MENA

24 wrz 2020 Czas czytania: 3 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

As part of our aim to better service users around the world with products they like to use, we’re happy to announce that you can now use Binance.com in Arabic, the 19th language supported on the website. This will be a gradual rollout starting with our homepage, key trading pages, and more important features on the Binance website.

Launching the Arabic language on the Binance website is a unique undertaking for our team, given that this is the first time that we’re incorporating right-to-left text support for the website. This launch showed the speed with which we work to further localize the way we connect with people around the world. The two-month sprint for adding Arabic to the website is up to 5x faster than the typical process for this kind of effort.

The inclusion of the Arabic language Binance is the latest development we have unveiled for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. In July, we shared our plans to expand in the region and appointed Omar Rahim as Director of MENA to initiate and spearhead our anticipated expansion plans.

Since then, we’ve launched and worked on the following to better cater to the MENA region:

  • We feature four MENA currencies through Binance P2P: Egyptian pound (EGP), Morrocan dirham (MAD), Lebanese pound (LBP), and Saudi riyal (SAR). You can buy and sell cryptocurrencies at zero fees on the Binance P2P platform.

  • We are actively developing local P2P merchants and doing local community activities. If you have previous OTC or P2P trading experience, we welcome you to apply here to become a Binance P2P merchant and enjoy zero fees and more benefits.

  • We have launched Binance Arabic channels on Twitter and Facebook, while continuing to maintain active participation in the Binance Arabic Telegram group.

In related news, to celebrate the launch of Binance Arabic channels on Twitter and Facebook, we invite you to a regional promo, where we give away $500 in BNB tokens to lucky participants on Twitter, plus $200 in BNB tokens to lucky winners on Facebook.

We’ll have more developments to share in the coming days for the MENA region, including product enhancements, partnerships, and more.

Follow @BinanceArabic on Twitter to stay up-to-date with our MENA activities!

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