
Kraken to acquire NinjaTrader: Introducing the next era of professional trading

20 mar 2025 Czas czytania: 2 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

Founded in 2003, NinjaTrader provides advanced futures trading tools to nearly two million traders and operates as a CFTC-registered Futures Commission Merchant (FCM). This transaction marks the largest-ever deal combining traditional finance (TradFi) and crypto.

NinjaTrader is a trusted hub for professional futures traders. With this acquisition, strategic benefits include:

  • U.S. futures – NinjaTrader’s CFTC-registered FCM license allows Kraken to offer crypto futures and derivatives in the U.S.

  • Unlocked global regulatory licensing and growth – Kraken’s U.K. MiFID, EU MiFID and Australian securities licenses accelerate NinjaTrader’s expansion into the U.K., Europe and Australia.

  • Seamless multi-asset trading – For both Kraken and NinjaTrader clients, ability to trade crypto, futures and traditional financial products.

  • Access to elite trading tools – Clients will benefit from NinjaTrader’s pro-grade analytics, execution engines and futures liquidity, combined with Kraken’s best-in-class crypto liquidity and trading experience.

“Traditional markets run on post-WWII, 1950s banking systems, exchanges that close at 4 p.m. ET and settlement delays that take days to resolve. Crypto rails fixed these issues, operating with efficient and real-time infrastructure. But legacy finance and crypto have remained separate ecosystems, until today. This transaction is the first step in our vision of an institutional-grade trading platform where any asset can be traded, anytime,” said Arjun Sethi, Kraken’s co-CEO.

You can read the full press release here.

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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