
Kraken OTC lowers trade minimum to $50K; offers greater access and enhanced transparency

15 godzin temu Czas czytania: 2 min
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Seamless execution with intuitive trading tools

OTC trading is available over chat for premium, personalized service or through our self-service request-for-quote (RFQ) for instant, automated trading.

Chat trading enables clients to connect securely with our trade desk to confirm assets, lot sizes and pricing while benefitting from white-glove service from start to execution.

With RFQ you can receive executable quotes in seconds with no obligation to trade; only accept the quotes you want to execute. Enjoy unlimited quotes and settle instantly — or opt for flexible settlement to trade now and settle later.

RFQ is available in Kraken Pro, the Kraken Pro app and Kraken Custody.

Enhanced trade visibility for better reporting

We’ve made it easier to track, reconcile and report your OTC transactions. New trade history updates include:

  • Clearer trade valuations: New USD value column in OTC trade exports for easy crypto-to-crypto trade tracking.

  • Unified trade history: OTC and Pro trade histories are now consolidated for improved visibility. Export OTC trades from either the Documents area in Pro Settings or from Trade History in the OTC Portal.

  • Enhanced fund tracking: New “Fund source” and “Destination” views show how funds originated and where proceeds were sent, and will display as internal transfer, on-chain or wire.

With Kraken OTC, you get access to deep liquidity for tighter spreads on trades over $50k, all with maximum flexibility and transparency. Not a Kraken OTC client yet? Private clients can inquire here and retail traders can inquire here.

Trade OTC now

The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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