
Kraken co-founds Crypto Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) 

29 maj 2024 Czas czytania: 3 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

“While Kraken has a proven track record for robust cybersecurity protocols, crypto is only as secure as the industry’s weakest link. Successive vulnerability exploits risk eroding trust in this revolutionary asset class, which is why we need to work together to share knowledge and intelligence. Only through effective collaboration can crypto and blockchain technologies reach their full potential,” said Kraken Chief Security Officer, Nick Percoco.

The Crypto ISAC founding team consists of Kraken, Fireblocks, Hedera, Ribbit Capital, Circle, Coinbase, the Solana Foundation, Consensys, Aleo, Evertas, Trail of Bits, Arbitrum and Red Balloon Security.

Each member is committed to advancing five key strategic objectives:

  1. Trusted environment: Establish processes for crypto companies and government bodies to communicate in order to proactively prevent the abuse of onchain infrastructure

  2. Unbiased information: Serve as an impartial information broker that has secure mechanisms for disseminating information between stakeholders

  3. Quality information dissemination: Ensure early notification of actual and potential incidents so that members can address security challenges effectively

  4. Collaboration: Conduct threat analysis to safeguard critical cryptoasset and blockchain infrastructure

  5. Resiliency: Build best-in-class security systems that empower blockchain protocols to adapt to new technologies, as well as evolving crypto policies

Percoco continued, “We’re confident that bringing together some of the brightest minds in the industry will be effective in combating security threats moving forward. As Kraken, we’re proud to contribute our industry-leading cybersecurity expertise in a way that fulfills our mission of accelerating the global adoption of crypto.”

Co-founding this Crypto ISAC is the latest milestone for Kraken’s elite security practice, which is continuously advancing the industry from a cybersecurity and info-sec perspective. We were previously recognized by the CSO50 awards for our efforts to eliminate email phishing practices via platform updates and a consumer awareness campaign.

We recently launched our self-custodial Kraken Wallet, empowering users to explore the decentralized crypto ecosystem while protecting their privacy and security. We also introduced several options for our clients to secure their Kraken accounts through the use of multiple 2FA and passkey options.

To learn more about the Crypto ISAC, visit: https://www.cryptoisac.org/.

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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