
Introducing colocation: Ultra-low-latency trading for institutional and individual clients

9 godzin temu Czas czytania: 2 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

Starting later this year, clients will be able to access ultra-low-latency trading from our European data center by renting cloud compute from Beeks, a leading provider of low-latency compute, connectivity and analytics solutions. Eligible clients with specific technical requirements will also have the option to install physical hardware at our data center and access colocation services directly.

“Kraken has spent over a decade continuously enhancing our infrastructure and technology, and this is the next step in that evolution,” said Shannon Kurtas, Head of Exchange at Kraken. “By working with Beeks, we’re facilitating even lower latency, more efficient price discovery and deeper liquidity for all of Kraken’s spot and derivative markets.”

While exact latency improvements will vary based on client location, those using Beeks’ Exchange Cloud® colocation services will experience the same low-latency benefits as those installing physical hardware at the data center. Traders operating from London, for example, can expect sub-millisecond latency.

Gordon McArthur, CEO at Beeks Financial Cloud, said: “Our partnership with Kraken is built on shared values of performance, transparency and trust. With Beeks’ Exchange Cloud® already delivering great results in the Tier 1 equity exchanges space, this collaboration is the first of its kind in the crypto space.”

“Together, we’re setting a new benchmark for low-latency, institutional-grade infrastructure, ensuring all traders — regardless of size — benefit from the security, reliability and performance they need. This is a significant step forward for crypto markets; by lowering barriers to entry and leveling the playing field, we’re supporting Kraken in enhancing access, execution speed and market fairness for all.”

Kurtas added: “Many exchanges offer colocation services, but Kraken’s approach is unique — we’re making it accessible to all partners and clients, not just institutions. This ensures our most active traders receive an enhanced experience while maintaining our commitment to equal and fair market access, a fundamental value in crypto.”

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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