
HTX Ventures Invests in Kelp DAO to Accelerate Restaking Innovations

24 maj 2024 Czas czytania: 2 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

Kelp DAO has secured $9 million in its latest round of strategic private sales, which will support its vision to reshape the DeFi and restaking ecosystem. This funding will enable Kelp DAO to further develop its cutting-edge technology, expand its offerings, and refine its liquid restaking solutions. Currently, Kelp offers liquid restaking across the Ethereum mainnet and nine Layer 2 solutions, including Arbitrum, Blast, Linea, Base, and Scroll.

“We are excited to support Kelp DAO,” said Edward, Managing Partner at HTX Ventures. “Their focus on enhancing user experience and driving developer experimentation is pivotal to the early success of restaking. We believe Kelp’s innovative approach will transform the DeFi landscape, and we are thrilled to be part of their journey.”

Dheeraj Borra, Co-founder at Kelp, shared, “This fundraise not only fuels our operational capabilities but also validates the vision we have for Kelp, which is now shared by our investors. We’re excited to scale our solutions and enhance user experience even further with their support.”

HTX Ventures is thrilled to support innovative projects like Kelp DAO, which offers a much-needed, user-friendly, and scalable solution. Users can stay connected with Kelp DAO through their official website and social media channels for the latest product updates.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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