
HTX Engages in Crypto Summits in Dubai, Strengthening Its Strategic Position in the Middle Eastern Market

24 paź 2024 Czas czytania: 4 min
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Importantly, Justin Sun, founder of TRON and Global Advisor to HTX, earned the “Crypto Entrepreneur of the Year” award at Blockchain Life 2024, reflecting the summit’s recognition of his exceptional achievements and innovative prowess in the blockchain field.

During the summit, Edward Chen, Managing Partner of HTX Ventures, and Charmaine Lim, Head of VIP Client Services at HTX, were invited to participate in panel discussions, where they shared HTX’s latest insights and industry expertise.

Charmaine spoke at the roundtable discussion titled “Crypto Exchanges and Private Investors: Shaping Investment Strategies and Adapting to Market Trends.”  She emphasized that many investors overlook crucial aspects such as liquidity and market depth due to a lack of security awareness, often resulting in asset losses. Exchanges like HTX can help investors minimize the risk of errors by providing user education, intuitive interfaces, robust security measures, professional customer service, and regulatory compliance. Furthermore, she pointed out that investors can mitigate risks through portfolio diversification, particularly by allocating funds to a broad range of cryptocurrencies and DeFi platforms.

In addition, Charmaine also noted that HTX will ensure all investors can execute trades effectively, even in highly volatile markets, by expanding the depth of the order book, utilizing price stabilization mechanisms such as algorithmic trading and risk management tools, and enhancing risk education for individual investors.

During a roundtable discussion titled “The Unicorn Journey: Insights from Top Venture Capitalists”, Edward shared his perspectives on the crypto market landscape and development trends for 2024. He is optimistic about four key areas that are currently noteworthy: CeDeFi (Centralized-Decentralized Finance), DeFi 2.0, the integration of AI and blockchain, and the convergence of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

According to Edward, HTX Ventures is now focusing on pre-seed to Series A investments, particularly targeting early-stage projects. Their investment scope covers a wide spectrum of sectors, such as infrastructure, DeFi, DePin, SocialFi, GameFi, Layer 1 & 2, BTCFi, and AI. Beyond attractive valuations, HTX Ventures prioritizes business innovation, business models, operational capabilities, and team building as key pillars of its investment philosophy.

As the Managing Partner of HTX Ventures, Edward was also invited to another global crypto summit in Dubai, the Cardano Summit 2024. In the roundtable discussion “Empowering Users: The Impact of Exchanges on Crypto Accessibility,” Edward expressed his opinion that the blockchain landscape may undergo significant polarization in the future.

Based on Edward’s view, three main factors are contributing to this phenomenon. First, as more exchange-traded funds (ETFs) enter the market, larger capital gains easier access to lucrative investment opportunities, further reinforcing existing wealth. Second, the influx of highly educated individuals with strong financial backgrounds into the blockchain space will lead to greater specialization. Third, large capital possesses a distinct advantage in the market, enabling it to leverage resources and information effectively. This advantage makes it easier for wealthy investors to generate higher returns, further widening the wealth gap.

From Blockchain Life to the Cardano Summit, HTX and HTX Ventures have made frequent appearances in Dubai within a short period, underscoring their strategic positioning in the Middle Eastern crypto market and their commitment to developing the region’s blockchain ecosystem. Through active participation in industry events and summits and by sharing insights on market trends and investment strategies, HTX seeks to foster innovation and application in crypto technology, thereby contributing to the building of a more accessible Web 3.0 ecosystem.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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