
H.E Justin Sun and HTX Nominated for Four Awards at Blockchain Life 2024

21 godzin temu Czas czytania: 2 min
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At Blockchain Life 2023, HTX and Justin won Centralized Exchange of the Year and Crypto Entrepreneur of the Year, respectively. Over the past year, Justin has continued to lead the industry’s development. With the launch of HTX DAO at the beginning of the year, a new decentralized governance paradigm was established; In August, Justin  launched SunPump, the first Meme fair launch platform on TRON, which kicked off a new Meme season. Recently, Justin was elected Prime Minister of Liberland, a historic appointment that paves the way for a new chapter in libertarianism.

Under his guidance, HTX has also achieved excellent results this year, launching innovative products such as Restaking, Trade to Earn, and a Telegram mini-program. It entered Top 2 on CoinGecko’s global exchange ranking three times in 2024. In Q3 alone, HTX listed 43 new tokens, and its daily active users increased by 42% compared to the previous quarter, showing growth even in a relatively sluggish market environment. Being nominated again for Blockchain Life 2024 awards further recognizes HTX’s outstanding achievements and innovation in the blockchain space and acknowledges Justin’s exceptional contributions to the industry.

Blockchain Life 2024 will be held in Dubai from October 22 to 23, with many industry leaders, including TRON founder and Global Advisor of HTX, Justin Sun, attending the event and delivering speeches. The winners of the awards will be determined by user voting. From October 15 to 20, users can visit the voting page at https://voting.blockchain-life.com/ and cast their votes by logging in with their Telegram accounts.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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