
Binance x Trust Wallet 10 Million TWT Giveaway

31 lip 2020 Czas czytania: 3 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

Here’s how you can get involved in the 10,000,000 TWT token giveaway:

Activity Period: July 31, 2020, 3:00 PM, to August 7, 2020, 3:00 PM (UTC)

1. Firstly, you’re going to need to have downloaded Trust Wallet on your iOS or Android device. If you haven’t yet, click on the big old box below!

2. Next, you’re going to need a Binance.com account. If you don’t have one yet, click the box, get signed up and get a 10% discount on trading fees for your troubles. (Takes only a minute or two, promise).

3. That's it! Now all you need to do is fill out the 2 question form and you’re done! (The 2 questions are your Trust Wallet BEP2 BNB deposit address and your Binance.com referral ID.)

Fancy an extra chance to win? We’re giving 10,000 TWT tokens each to 10 lucky winners that Retweet this post on Twitter, and 10 lucky winners that share this post on Facebook!

Terms & Conditions:

  • 10,000,000 TWT tokens will be equally distributed among all qualified participants unless the number of qualified participants exceeds 10,000.

  • In the event that the number of qualified participants exceeds 10,000, the following mechanisms will be used to determine participants eligible for final distribution:

    • Qualified participants that installed Trust Wallet in July 2020, June 2020, May 2020 and April 2020, will be excluded in that order as necessary to meet the 10,000 threshold.

    • If excluding qualified participants via the above mechanism results in a total number of qualified participants that still exceeds 10,000, then the final round of exclusion will be based on Binance.com account age from newest to oldest until only 10,000 qualifying participants remain.

  • Distribution will be made directly to qualifying participants Trust Wallet BEP2 BNB addresses within 30 days of the activity ending.

  • Maximum of 1 distribution of TWT tokens per Trust Wallet BEP2 BNB address.

  • Maximum of 1 distribution of TWT tokens per Binance.com account.

  • The 10% discount on Binance Futures trading fees lasts for 30 days then expires.

  • The 10% discount for Binance spot markets will remain valid as long as the current referral program is in place.

  • Participants’ requirements will be validated prior to the winners being drawn. In the event an entrant does not meet the requirements they will be removed from the list of possible winners.

  • Binance reserves the right to disqualify anyone who is deemed to break any of the above rules or act with malicious intent.

  • Binance reserves the right to cancel or amend any Activity or Activity Rules at our sole discretion.

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