
Change Log: Version 1.105

10 godzin temu Czas czytania: 2 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

Version 1.105


  • Updated to improve the Paper Trading Refill balances validation

  • Updated the lateral scrolling performance for the header in tables

  • Updated the order of the buttons for the ETH2 notice and the password reset pop-ups

  • Updated to add links in the header or footer menus for Affiliates and Thalex Derivatives

  • Added and updated translations for the token permission warning pop-up, the Bitfinex Securities pop-up, the orders pop-up and the Lightning Channel

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the haircuts pop-up to remove unnecessary help cursor

  • Fixed the issue with the vertical scrollbar not being displayed in tables that have a horizontal scroll

  • Fixed the OTC click-through sorting option issue when sorting to return to the default to display chronological sorting

  • Fixed the TradingView chart issues of being unable to close a position in full-screen mode

  • Fixed the mark price not showing after refresh

  • Fixed the context switch for Bitfinex Securities sub-accounts to display the existing ones

  • Fixed the Trades pop-up tooltip placement inconsistency issue

  • Fixed the issue of highlighting elements behind some trading pop-ups

  • Fixed the SAT mode in the paper trading accounts

  • Fixed to show filter customisation for Settings in Firefox browsers.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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