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BlackRock Takes the Lead in Spot Bitcoin ETF Race

29 maj 2024 Czas czytania: 2 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) has achieved a significant milestone in the world of crypto finance by surpassing Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) to become the largest spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF).

Recent data reveals that IBIT now boasts $19.68 billion in Bitcoin (BTC), edging out GBTC’s $19.65 billion. This shift in dominance underscores the evolving landscape of crypto financial products.

Why Grayscale's GBTC Lost Its Top Position

Grayscale’s GBTC charged a hefty 1.5% fee, significantly higher than its competitors. This fee structure led to a gradual loss of investor appeal, especially as alternatives like BlackRock’s IBIT offered lower fees.

BlackRock's accomplishment reflects the growing institutional interest in Bitcoin and the competitive dynamics within the ETF market. Meanwhile, GBTC experienced a substantial single-day outflow of $105 million, highlighting the shift in investor sentiment.

The broader Bitcoin ETF sector, however, continues to witness positive trends, with a net inflow of $45.14 million reported on May 28, 2024. This marks an 11-day streak of net inflows across 11 US Bitcoin ETFs.

BlackRock's IBIT has attracted investments from its income and bond-focused funds, including the BlackRock Strategic Income Opportunities Fund (BSIIX) and the Strategic Global Bond Fund (MAWIX). While these investments represent only a fraction of their respective portfolios, they signify growing institutional confidence in Bitcoin.

The total holdings of Bitcoin by ETFs have now exceeded 1 million BTC, constituting nearly 5% of the total Bitcoin supply. This milestone underscores the significant impact of ETFs on the broader Bitcoin market.

In terms of regional activity, the US remains a key hub for Bitcoin inflows, recording $1.03 billion in inflows last week. Additionally, European countries like Germany and Switzerland have also reported notable inflows.

Looking Ahead: Despite volatile price movements, the overall sentiment in the market remains positive, with digital asset investment products recording inflows for the third consecutive week. This surge in activity has propelled the total value of digital asset exchange-traded products (ETPs) close to $98.5 billion, reflecting the increasing mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.


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