
Binance.US Receives Four Comparably Best Places to Work Awards

13 gru 2023 Czas czytania: 2 min
Obraz baneru artykułu informacyjnego

Comparably’s Awards are based on sentiment feedback from current employees who anonymously rate their employers on Comparably.com during a 12-month period. Workers answer structured questions on different workplace topics, including executive leadership, coworkers, environment, compensation packages, perks & benefits, growth opportunities, happiness, work-life balance, company outlook, and more. Each answer is given a numerical score and then compared to companies of similar size. The final data set is compiled from 20 million ratings across 70,000 companies.

“We are incredibly proud of the culture of integrity and innovation we have consistently maintained at Binance.US, especially in light of the constantly evolving operating environment around us,” said Norman Reed, Interim CEO of Binance.US. “These recognitions from Comparably are particularly meaningful given they are based on direct employee feedback. We will continue to foster a culture where team members of all backgrounds are empowered to do their best work and are rewarded for their contributions.”

Comparably is a leading workplace culture and corporate brand reputation platform. With the most comprehensive data on large and SMB organizations in nearly 20 different workplace categories – based on gender, ethnicity, age, experience, industry, location, education – it’s one of the most used SaaS platforms for employer branding and a trusted third-party site for workplace culture and compensation. For more information on Comparably’s annual Best Places to Work Awards, visit www.comparably.com/awards.

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