Blog Cryptohoppera

Crypto Trading 101: Identifying the Trend and Making a Profit with Bollinger Bands
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Crypto Trading 101: Identifying the Trend and Making a Profit with Bollinger Bands

Have you always wondered how to identify when Bitcoin is volatile and in which direction it is heading? You can identify both volatility and direction with the Bollinger Bands!


Learn the Easiest Chart Pattern That You Can’t Forget
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Learn the Easiest Chart Pattern That You Can’t Forget

What are Market Makers and Market Takers in Cryptocurrencies?
#Trading#cryptohopper#Technical Analysis 101+2 więcej tagów

What are Market Makers and Market Takers in Cryptocurrencies?

Three Advancing White Soldiers A Hidden Reversal Pattern
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Three Advancing White Soldiers A Hidden Reversal Pattern

Crypto trading 101: How to Trade Inside Bars in the Crypto Market
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Crypto trading 101: How to Trade Inside Bars in the Crypto Market

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What are Crypto Derivatives?
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What are Crypto Derivatives?

Have you always wondered how to identify when Bitcoin is volatile and in which direction it is heading? You can identify both volatility and direction with the Bollinger Bands!

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Cryptocurrency Exchange HitBTC in 2021
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Cryptocurrency Exchange HitBTC in 2021

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Trading Candlestick Patterns In Technical Analysis the Right Way
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Trading Candlestick Patterns In Technical Analysis the Right Way

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What are KYC and AML, and Why Do They Matter in Crypto?
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What are KYC and AML, and Why Do They Matter in Crypto?

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What are NFT Games?
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What are NFT Games?

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What is the Metaverse?
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What is the Metaverse?

The crypto derivatives market has exploded over the past couple of years, ever since the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) and CBOE (Chicago Boards Options Exchange) launched Bitcoin Futures in 2017.

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How to Secure Your Account from Cyber Attacks
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How to Secure Your Account from Cyber Attacks

22 wrz 2021 Czas czytania: 5 min
EXMO Partners with Cryptohopper to Provide Users With Utmost trading experience
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EXMO Partners with Cryptohopper to Provide Users With Utmost trading experience

15 wrz 2021 Czas czytania: 2 min
How To Calculate Cryptocurrency Profits
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How To Calculate Cryptocurrency Profits

9 wrz 2021 Czas czytania: 7 min
How to Measure the Crypto Greed and Fear Index
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How to Measure the Crypto Greed and Fear Index

1 wrz 2021 Czas czytania: 6 min

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