Q&A with a Crypto Signal Group: Crypto Quality Signals
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Q&A with a Crypto Signal Group: Crypto Quality Signals

Q and A with a Crypto Signaler - Crypto Quality Signals

For this weeks Crypto Signal group we go to São Paulo, Brazil where José, a top of the line signaler, works hard to provide hand picked signals for our trading bots. We sat for a short interview with Crypto Quality signals to find out exactly how they work.

Where are you based/from?

We’re based in São Paulo, Brazil. Although most of our staff is located here, our team is also spread in several cities around the world.

How does your work day look? Do you work every day?

At start, the idea was to provide signals 24/7, but we decided to stop that because we wanted to ensure we kept quality control over our signals. So, for now, no signal are sent while I am sleeping.

At my peak I worked about 18 hours per day. Of course, I am not 100% in Crypto, but I'd say I spend 75% of this time handling the service. I am fully dedicated to make our service as great as possible.

How did you get started with trading/signaling there?

After spending a long time studying crypto markets, we started to use some bots and we got to know Cryptohopper. It was almost "love at first sight", since Cryptohopper had almost everything we were looking for at that time.

We tested some signallers and although some of them were good, most of them were not good enough for our needs. We needed more signals per day per exchange.

So, we started researching and trying to establish partnerships with independent technical analysts that started as volunteers to create a high quality free signal service.

Although the service started on Telegram, we always had in mind our goal to entirely integrate into Cryptohopper. We were able to be approved as Cryptohopper signallers on March, 27th.

What separates Crypto Quality signals from other signalers?

Several signallers are using bots to generate signals. We believe in relying on humans for that and we are very happy with the results. We are not perfect, but our success rate speaks for itself.

How do you ensure your signal are quality?

Our signals are the result of combining Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis and always respecting the Market Sentiment.

Fundamental Analysis based signals are always supported by Technical Analysis to prevent, whenever it's possible, any losses from our users.

After ensuring the indicators are correcting indicating an imminent breakout, we still evaluate the market scenario and previous coin history together with present and past volume and price actions.

If we have any doubt the price will raise, the signal is not issued. We miss a lot of good signals this way, but we prefer to lose several good signals than approve a single bad one.

What are you three favorite Cryptocurrencies and Why?

The market is very dynamic and most cryptocurrencies have ups and downs, but I'd say that BNB has been proved itself a very strong contender, surviving the bearish market better than the others, ZRX has been doing surprisingly well as well and finally, ETC has emerging as a big player on the market recently.

How can users maximise the effectiveness of your signals?

Since Cryptohopper cannot use our signal's targets yet, a good strategy is to either use a 3% fixed percentage profit or a trailing stop loss arming at 3%, because more than 95% of our signals will reach at least 3% profit.

Do you have any advice for new traders getting into crypto trading?

  1. Only invest what you can afford to lose.

  2. Manage your funds. Don't trade with everything you have. Reserve between 30% and 50% of your funds in BTC or USDT, so you can use them for DCA or to buy dips when you can.

  3. Always watch BTC movements and stop trading during big BTC swings.

  4. Before using any bot, try to understand it completely. Instead of copying someone else's strategy, learn to build your own.

  5. Define your strategy and stick to it. Don't try to change strategy all the time. In the long term, any strategy will do fine.

  6. Take full responsibility for your trade operations.

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Informacja: Cryptohopper nie jest regulowanym podmiotem. Handel kryptowalutami za pomocą botów wiąże się z dużym ryzykiem, a wcześniejsze wyniki nie gwarantują przyszłych rezultatów. Prezentowane zyski na zrzutach ekranu produktu mają charakter ilustracyjny i mogą być zawyżone. Podejmuj handel botami tylko wtedy, gdy posiadasz odpowiednią wiedzę lub skonsultuj się z wykwalifikowanym doradcą finansowym. Cryptohopper nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za (a) jakiekolwiek straty lub szkody, całkowite lub częściowe, wynikające z transakcji z wykorzystaniem naszego oprogramowania lub (b) jakiekolwiek szkody bezpośrednie, pośrednie, specjalne, wynikowe lub przypadkowe. Pamiętaj, że treści dostępne na platformie handlu społecznościowego Cryptohopper są tworzone przez członków społeczności Cryptohopper i nie stanowią porad lub zaleceń ze strony Cryptohopper. Zyski prezentowane na Rynku nie są gwarancją przyszłych wyników. Korzystając z usług Cryptohopper, akceptujesz ryzyko związane z handlem kryptowalutami i zobowiązujesz się do niepociągania Cryptohopper do odpowiedzialności za ewentualne straty. Przed korzystaniem z naszego oprogramowania lub podjęciem jakiejkolwiek działalności handlowej, konieczne jest zapoznanie się z naszymi Warunkami świadczenia usług i oświadczenie dot. ujawniania ryzyka. Skonsultuj się z prawnikami i doradcami finansowymi, aby uzyskać porady dostosowane do Twojej sytuacji.

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