KuCoin Offers $2000 Reward Pool for Cryptohopper Users with FastAPI
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KuCoin Offers $2000 Reward Pool for Cryptohopper Users with FastAPI

Cryptohopper is excited to announce the integration of KuCoin’s FastAPI solution, improving the onboarding and trading experience on KuCoin’s Spot markets through Cryptohopper. In addition to this improvement, KuCoin is offering a $2000 reward pool for Cryptohopper users, along with other benefits!

Simplifying API Key Creation with KuCoin’s FastAPI

Many traders using professional trading platforms like Cryptohopper face challenges when creating API Keys. These keys are essential for establishing a stable connection between the crypto exchange and the trading platform, allowing the platform to read crypto exchange balances, access trade history, and execute trades on behalf of the trader.

However, the complex process of creating API keys on crypto exchange websites often stops traders from using these trading platforms.

Thanks to KuCoin’s FastAPI solution, traders on Cryptohopper can easily connect their KuCoin exchange account with Cryptohopper by logging into KuCoin directly on Cryptohopper.

This seamless integration automatically adds API Keys to their trading bot, similar to the quick login features offered by Facebook, Google, and Apple for other online platforms. This ensures a frictionless experience, allowing traders to start automated trading on Cryptohopper quickly and easily.

The biggest challenge for our users is connecting to their crypto exchange account. With KuCoin’s FastAPI solution, we’ve reduced friction for users to start automating their trades. We’re thankful for this solution from KuCoin, which strengthens our partnership,

said Ruud Feltkamp, CEO & Co-founder of Cryptohopper.

Our new Fast API Service simplifies the connection process for broker users. With OAuth2.0 login, we've created a one-click authorization system for third-party applications. This improvement boosts trading security and simplifies KuCoin-broker connections. The OAuth system automatically creates and links API keys, eliminating manual setup. We're glad to see Cryptohopper has implemented this technology to improve the connectivity with KuCoin,

said Allison.Q, Head of KA Operations at KuCoin

Fast API Reward Pool

To celebrate the launch of KuCoin’s FastAPI Service, KuCoin is offering a $2000 reward pool for Cryptohopper users who connect via FastAPI (also known as OAuth2.0) login and trade any amount within the next 30 days after establishing the FastAPI connection. Don't forget to register here to ensure you're participating in this promotion and to be eligible for a reward!

Cryptohopper users will not need to create an API key manually when using OAuth login. An API key (Version 3) is created automatically, granting permissions for read, trade, and simple earn.

Reward Pool Rules:

  • Event Duration: 2024-10-03 08:00:01 - 2024-11-03 23:59:59(UTC)

  • Total Reward Pool for Cryptohopper users exclusively: $2000

Distribution Rules:

  • If the user’s targeted distribution is greater than $10, they will receive a reward equal to the volume-weighted amount during the campaign period.

  • If the user's trading fee is less than their targeted distribution, they will receive VIP3 vouchers instead.

  • If the user’s targeted distribution is less than $10, they will receive VIP3 vouchers instead.


  • Prize will be shown at the end of the campaign. The prize is calulated by your volume weighted percentage contribution.

  • Users must connect to Cryptohopper via the FastAPI (Fast Connect on Cryptohopper) login.

  • Users must register here to ensure you're participating in this promotion and to be eligible for a reward.

  • Users will receive the reward within 30 days based on volume ranking.

  • VIP3 vouchers are valid for 30 days and offer up to a 35% trading fee discount.

For the complete terms and conditions, please visit KuCoin’s website.


The integration of KuCoin’s FastAPI with Cryptohopper not only simplifies the trading process but also offers an exciting reward opportunity for users. Whether you're a seasoned trader or new to Cryptohopper, take advantage of this promotion to improve your trading experience and potentially earn rewards. Connect your KuCoin account to Cryptohopper today and start trading smarter and faster!

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Informacja: Cryptohopper nie jest regulowanym podmiotem. Handel kryptowalutami za pomocą botów wiąże się z dużym ryzykiem, a wcześniejsze wyniki nie gwarantują przyszłych rezultatów. Prezentowane zyski na zrzutach ekranu produktu mają charakter ilustracyjny i mogą być zawyżone. Podejmuj handel botami tylko wtedy, gdy posiadasz odpowiednią wiedzę lub skonsultuj się z wykwalifikowanym doradcą finansowym. Cryptohopper nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za (a) jakiekolwiek straty lub szkody, całkowite lub częściowe, wynikające z transakcji z wykorzystaniem naszego oprogramowania lub (b) jakiekolwiek szkody bezpośrednie, pośrednie, specjalne, wynikowe lub przypadkowe. Pamiętaj, że treści dostępne na platformie handlu społecznościowego Cryptohopper są tworzone przez członków społeczności Cryptohopper i nie stanowią porad lub zaleceń ze strony Cryptohopper. Zyski prezentowane na Rynku nie są gwarancją przyszłych wyników. Korzystając z usług Cryptohopper, akceptujesz ryzyko związane z handlem kryptowalutami i zobowiązujesz się do niepociągania Cryptohopper do odpowiedzialności za ewentualne straty. Przed korzystaniem z naszego oprogramowania lub podjęciem jakiejkolwiek działalności handlowej, konieczne jest zapoznanie się z naszymi Warunkami świadczenia usług i oświadczenie dot. ujawniania ryzyka. Skonsultuj się z prawnikami i doradcami finansowymi, aby uzyskać porady dostosowane do Twojej sytuacji.

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