
The faces of Bitpanda Pro: Meet Anita Neumannova

24 mrt 2021 4 min gelezen
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Could you tell us a little bit more about your beginnings at Bitpanda Pro?

From the start, my time at Bitpanda and Bitpanda Pro has been a great learning experience. I began my journey in August 2020 as a product management intern. This was my first full-on experience within the cryptocurrency sphere and, given the fast growth this industry is experiencing, the first few days felt like swimming in water without knowing how.

However, once I got past the first few days, I realised how much I was learning and growing as a person. As a new joiner, I went through various bootcamps which helped me to understand not only Bitpanda as a company, but also the crypto industry in a deeper way.

On another note, and more importantly I would say, my start here has been driven by the amazing team we have at Bitpanda Pro. My beginnings without them would have been tough – from our Development team, to Sales or Marketing – everyone always made sure I was included as part of the team and answered any open questions I had.

What is your role at Bitpanda Pro?

Currently I am working as a Product Manager. Part of my tasks are commercially scoping out new features and offers for the platform. I am additionally taking care of market maker topics and all requirements regarding this area. This encompasses the choice and listing of new pairs or trading competitions, communications with external partners and the performance overview of each of our market makers.

What does a day in the life of a Product Manager look like?

My days are highly versatile, however, there are a few constants that happen every day. For me, no day can start without a cup of coffee or green tea! That’s a ritual I hardly ever skip. After I have had my first dose of caffeine, I take a look at the performance of the markets and our market makers. What happens afterwards is usually an open question and depends on the open topics I am currently managing at that time.

Usually, my day alternates between meetings where we discuss the status and progress of various projects, upcoming sales and marketing releases and the commercial assessment of new features. Personally, I truly enjoy the chance to analyse the crypto exchange scene and look for new avenues ahead for Bitpanda Pro.

What sets Bitpanda Pro apart from other exchanges in your opinion?

At first glance, many crypto exchanges used by traders may seem similar in terms of what they offer, the trading experience needed or the services they provide. What sets Bitpanda Pro apart is undoubtedly the highly-scalable API connection and the fact that the software is fully built in-house by our development team. This allows us to be more resilient and agile. Moreover, the easy-to-use UX/UI design of the platform is something that cannot be forgotten either.

I would also like to stress the fact that the team that works behind the scenes makes Bitpanda Pro a great exchange. From the developers to marketing, sales or product management, the amount of love and hard work many people put in to ensure everything is running smoothly cannot be left unmentioned!

Where do you see Bitpanda Pro two years from now?

Knowing the hard-work and dedication of the entire team, I have no doubt that in two years Bitpanda Pro will be the go-to European exchange for both retail and institutional traders. The features we are constantly assessing, the services we are providing and the technical know-how our team possesses will undoubtedly push Bitpanda Pro to the forefront.

Thank you

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