
Step Into The World of Crypto With Binance Gift Card

1 jan 1 3 min gelezen
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If you’re looking for a fast and simple way to buy or send crypto to your friends and family, you can try Binance Gift Card.

Gift cards can be sent anywhere and to anyone—even non-Binance users.

Cryptocurrency, crypto, Bitcoin, the list goes on; you’ve seen or heard these words everywhere, including your social media feed, the local news station and even your family dinners. In just one year, crypto has completely taken the world by storm, setting new records, bringing together an ecosystem of industries—including finance, technology, art and much more—and drastically impacting the way we do business, from everyday transactions to secure international payments.

While other trends have come and gone over the years, crypto is just getting started. If you’re looking for a fast and straightforward way to buy or send crypto to your friends and family, you can try Binance Gift Card.

Start Your Crypto Journey With Binance Gift Card

At Binance, we’re always looking for friendly features for first-time crypto users. With Binance Gift Card, you can easily send or receive cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Doge to and from your friends and family via email or text messages. Our gift cards also provide plenty of customization, including preferred crypto and amount, personalized messages and exclusive designs.

For Senders

Binance Gift Card is more than just a gift, it’s a way for you to buy and send crypto to your friends and family with no fees. If you’re sending via email, you can also add your referral code in the personalized message to earn crypto rewards and help your friends kickstart their crypto journey at the same time. What’s more, buying a gift card is simple and takes just a few minutes.

For Receivers

Once you’ve redeemed your gift card, the crypto funds are automatically credited into your Binance Funding account. Gift card recipients can instantly transfer the fund to other wallets and start trading immediately. You won’t have to go through any complicated processes such as inputting your crypto wallet address.

Ready to set up or receive your first gift card? Take a look at our Binance Gift Card tutorial and FAQ and step into the world of crypto.

Get Started With Binance Gift Card

Nowadays, there are so many different ways to buy crypto; try Binance Gift Card if you’re looking for a fun and easy method with zero fees.

For more information, you can also refer to our helpful links below:

Follow Binance on Twitter or Facebook for more information.

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