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Senator Cynthia Lummis to Co-Host Bitcoin for America Forum

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Senator Cynthia Lummis has announced her role as an honorary co-host for the Bitcoin for America forum, scheduled to take place in Washington D.C. on March 11, 2025. Organized by the Bitcoin Policy Institute, the event will bring together business leaders, government officials, and crypto experts to discuss the future of Bitcoin in the United States.

Bitcoin’s Role in the US Financial System

The forum will be an invite-only event, but some parts will be streamed online for public access. Discussions will focus on Bitcoin’s potential role within the U.S. financial system, including its impact on the economy, the benefits it could offer the country, and the regulatory frameworks needed for its integration.

“Forum sessions will explore how Bitcoin can align with American national interests, why the U.S. should consider diversifying its assets into Bitcoin, and how national strategy regarding Bitcoin should be structured,” the event website outlines.

Looking Ahead: Senator Lummis, a well-known advocate for digital currency, has been vocal about her vision for 2025 as the “year of Bitcoin digital assets.” She has committed to leading efforts to create a comprehensive legal framework for digital assets.


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