
Kraken wins big at two Australian crypto industry award shows

2 jul 2024 3 min gelezen
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Finder, an award-winning financial comparison site, named Kraken Best Overall Crypto Trading Platform for Australian clients during 2024. This determination came after their team of experts analyzed over 1,100 different data points across 16 different exchanges this past year.

Finder also named Kraken the winner of their Advanced Trading and Crypto Trading – Extra Features categories. We scored highly for operating a diverse platform with robust spot market availability, a leading NFT marketplace and impressive trading tools and features.

WeMoney, a financial wellness platform, extended Kraken’s winning run with two more awards. We beat out industry competition to achieve the top spot in their Best for Casual Investors and Excellent Rates and Fees categories. WeMoney’s expert team made their judgment after reviewing each platform’s responses to a self evaluation questionnaire and cross referencing against their own in-depth research into the platform’s performance.

“I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve built here and how our team is continuously delivering a premium trading experience for clients, regardless of their experience level,” said Jonathon Miller, Kraken’s Managing Director for Australia and Rest of World. “That said, the job is never done, and we’re committed to our mission of accelerating the adoption of crypto across Australia and the globe.”

“Kraken’s impressive haul in the 2024 Finder Awards is a testament to its emergence as one of the best cryptocurrency trading platforms for Australian investors. We analyzed over 1,100 data points from 16 exchanges, and none scored higher than Kraken,” said Thomas Stelzer, investing publisher at Finder. “Its impressive breadth of features, including AUD deposits, withdrawals and trading pairs, staking, demo mode and competitive fees meant it scored higher than any other exchange.”

Finder also awarded Kraken a Highly Commended rating in its Best Crypto Trading Platform for Beginners category. WeMoney listed Kraken as a finalist in Crypto Exchange of the Year, Best for NFTs and Outstanding Customer Service.

Explore Kraken Australia

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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