
Kraken welcomes Ben Gray as Chief Legal Officer

4 feb 2025 4 min gelezen
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He will ensure we continue to uphold the highest standards of compliance and integrity as it further expands its geographical footprint and product portfolio. Ben will report directly to our co-CEOs Arjun Sethi and David Ripley.

Co-CEO Arjun Sethi: “Ben is a critical addition to our leadership team as we scale the business and drive innovation globally. His deep experience as a general counsel and chief compliance officer make him an ideal CLO for Kraken, as the industry continues fighting for regulatory clarity and consumer protections.”

Co-CEO David Ripley: “By aligning legal, compliance and risk within this team, we are looking forward to leveraging Ben’s unique experience to ensure seamless execution and operational excellence across the markets in which we operate globally.”

CLO Ben Gray: “I am honored to step into the role of CLO at Kraken, a company that has consistently been at the forefront of the cryptocurrency industry. Over the past year, we’ve seen tremendous progress in moving towards regulatory clarity around the globe and 2025 will be a pivotal year.”

“Those that adapt most effectively — without compromise to their ability to innovate and provide the best possible client experience — will come out on top. Kraken is extremely well positioned to capitalize on this opportunity, and I couldn’t be more excited to join during this next phase of growth for the crypto industry.”

Ben brings over 15 years of experience at the intersection of blockchain, crypto and legal compliance. His career has spanned diverse roles, from serving in the U.S. federal government as a financial regulator to working as a regulatory attorney during the early days of Bitcoin.

He pioneered compliance frameworks for consumer-facing crypto products at Block (formerly Square) and led innovative stablecoin initiatives at Paxos, including the USDG stablecoin, which was launched in partnership with Kraken.

His unique background and leadership skills will help us with the ongoing expansion of its global footprint while navigating regulatory changes in its major markets such as Europe and the U.S.

Ben succeeds Marco Santori, who has been our CLO since 2020. Marco, who was instrumental in building a world-class legal team, representing crypto on the global stage and tackling critical regulatory challenges, will stay on as an advisor.

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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