
Kraken ranked 12th on Newsweek’s 2024 Top 100 American Most Loved Workplaces List

2 okt 2024 3 min gelezen
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Newsweek’s rankings, backed by the analysis of the Best Practice Institute (BPI), are based on survey results of more than two million employees from different industries and company sizes. BPI’s rankings include companies in healthcare, finance, retail and other industries that are building and sustaining positive employee experiences by focusing on purpose, pay and putting employees’ lives first.

“Company culture and people define the quality of a workplace in so many ways, and we are proud to improve our U.S. ranking this year. How we treat Krakenites reflects our values as a company and our remote-first operating model – which provides our employees the freedom to excel in both the workplace and in their personal lives,” said Pranesh Anthapur, Kraken Chief People Officer. “We’ve built an innovative, world-class workplace with a focused company mission that rallies our Krakenites while also offering flexibility and autonomy, empowering them to succeed.”

In addition to our remote-first philosophy, we’re proud to offer compelling learning opportunities, holistic health and wellness benefits and open lines of communication via internal satisfaction surveys. Additionally, we have truly flexible PTO practices, access to in-house fitness and wellbeing coaches, plus a generous ergonomic bonus so Krakenites can build their own customized, in-home office.

Krakenites are also invested in the success of the company and the broader industry. Nearly 40% receive a part of their salary in digital assets and many of our roles come with company share options included in the compensation package.

Ready to join the revolution? Find your role at Kraken today!

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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