
Justin Sun’s 2-Year Anniversary at HTX: What Has He Brought?

24 sep 2024 4 min gelezen
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In fact, from September 2022 to September 2024 marks the two years since Justin Sun joined HTX. During this time, there have been doubts, criticism, and recognition. Amidst all this, data serves as the best evidence.

Ranked Third Among Exchanges Globally

In the Q2 2024 exchange liquidity report published by crypto data company Kaiko, among 43 mainstream centralized exchanges, HTX received an AA rating and ranked fourth in liquidity, with an average trading volume reaching $60.5 billion.

According to CoinGecko data, in early August, HTX’s natural ranking rose to second place globally, just behind Binance, marking the third time this year that HTX has entered the Top 2. Previously, HTX had been consistently ranked third for several months. Although there is still a gap in futures trading volume compared to other platforms, there are signs of a return to the “big three.”

23 Proof of Reserves Reports

From December 2022 to September this year, HTX has completed 23 public audits of its Merkle tree Proof of Reserves reports. The latest data shows that as of September 1, 2024, at 00:00:00 (UTC+8), the reserve ratio of HTX has consistently remained above 100%.

Source: Screenshot from HTX official website on September 24, 2024 (UTC+8)

SunPump Ecosystem: All 8 Memecoins Show Great Wealth Effect

Data shows that since the beta version launched on August 13, as of September 24, the SunPump platform has generated a total revenue of 33,853,820 TRX (approximately $5.15 million) and created about 86,701 projects over 40 days.

The launch and success of SunPump undoubtedly showcase Justin Sun’s unique insights in the crypto market. Moreover, the deep integration of SunPump with HTX has elevated it to a new level—HTX established the SunPump ecosystem on the platform, with all eight meme projects seeing multifold increases, with some growing nearly 100 times.

For example, since SUNDOG launched on HTX on August 16, it has maintained a 30-fold increase as of September 24. This wealth effect has attracted more and more memecoin players to join.

Source: Screenshot from HTX official website on September 24, 2024 (UTC+8)

Over $150 Million Prize Pool for Liquid Restaking Triggers Market Frenzy

On February 29 this year, HTX launched Liquid Restaking, becoming the first exchange in the crypto market to allow users to participate in on-chain restaking with no entry barriers. Upon its launch, this service drew the attention of over 20 million users and attracted 58,000 participants. With such popularity, HTX doubled its quota twice in two months, increasing the total staking quota to over $150 million.

Sjuul’s analysis in the article highlighted that HTX’s Liquid Restaking is an innovative service worth noting. It allows investors to participate in staking without directly investing their own funds. The benefits of this approach include reduced risks for users, ensured liquidity of assets, and, most importantly, a significantly lowered participation threshold, which has attracted substantial user assets to HTX.

HTX DAO Grows Amid Controversy: $42.5 Million in Liquidity Donations Completed

HTX DAO announced its establishment on January 18, 2024, aiming to help users deeply engage in the exchange’s decision-making, governance, and operations, moving towards decentralization and ultimately realizing a “people’s exchange.”

HTX DAO has collaborated with HTX, TRON, Poloniex, BitTorrent, Spark Digital Capital, APENFT, and 19 other industry leaders to build its ecosystem. Through several public elections, the HTX DAO People’s Committee has been formed. More importantly, it has completed two rounds of Ecosystem Liquidity Pledge, totaling $42.5 million.

Thus, the new decentralized governance paradigm established by HTX DAO has already taken shape.

Two years have passed, and HTX’s progress under Justin’s guidance is obvious. As Sjuul stated in his tweet, “Under Justin’s leadership, the HTX exchange cannot be overlooked, and HTX is likely to become a top exchange. HTX DAO and its governance token $HTX should also be given due attention.”

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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