
Introducing USDG: A new era in stablecoins

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Backed by Paxos, a global leader in stablecoins, USDG comes with the confidence of over $160 billion in stablecoins issued since 2018, all under the oversight of top financial regulators. USDG is designed to be a trusted and transparent stablecoin for trading and holding value, bringing seamless access to digital dollars for users worldwide.

What are stablecoins?

Stablecoins bridge traditional finance with blockchain technology, offering the stability of fiat with the efficiency of crypto. Pegged 1:1 to the U.S. dollar, they provide a secure and reliable way to transact, trade and store value in the digital economy. This combination makes stablecoins a preferred choice for global payments, trading and safeguarding funds from market volatility.


Regulation and transparency

USDG is fully backed by cash and cash equivalents in segregated accounts, audited monthly. Paxos is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, one of the world’s top financial authorities, ensuring the strongest consumer protection.

1:1 pegged stability

USDG is fully backed by cash and cash equivalents in segregated accounts, ensuring that every token maintains a 1:1 peg to the U.S. dollar.

Global accessibility

Built on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20), USDG combines the stability of the U.S. dollar with the speed and transparency of blockchain technology. This global accessibility empowers users worldwide to leverage a trusted digital asset for a variety of purposes, allowing users worldwide to trade and hold with ease.

How to get started with USDG

Ready to start using USDG?* Follow these simple steps to get started in minutes:

  1. Log in to your Kraken account: (or sign up if you’re new).

  2. Deposit USD or purchase USDG directly

  3. Convert USD to USDG

Use USDG wherever you’d normally use stablecoins, whether it’s for trading or holding a stable asset.

Trade $USDG on Kraken

Coming soon: Earn on USDG

USDG is just the beginning of Kraken’s commitment to stablecoin innovation.

Soon, holders on Kraken will soon gain access to an exclusive rewards program, offering an opportunity to earn competitive returns with no extra steps. Stay tuned!

USDG: The next-generation stablecoin

USDG reflects our dedication to providing transparent, secure and forward-thinking products that accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrency so everyone can achieve financial freedom and inclusion. USDG is another step in that direction, integrating blockchain technology with real-world financial applications.

Where to learn more

Want to dive deeper into the details of USDG? Check out the Paxos USDG white paper and our $USDG asset listing blog.

Join the millions of users leveraging Kraken’s innovative solutions to achieve their financial goals.

Trade $USDG on Kraken

*$USDG is not available for trading in CA and the EEA

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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