
Introducing iCloud backup for Kraken Wallet

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Self-custody with peace of mind

Kraken Wallet users enjoy the freedom of self-custody, retaining full control over their own funds. However, this power comes with the responsibility of safeguarding your SRP. An SRP, also known as a seed phrase or mnemonic phrase, is the randomly generated set of words permanently associated with a crypto wallet that allows a user to access and restore or migrate that crypto wallet.

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If you lose access to your wallet and don’t have your SRP, you will not be able to recover your assets. The most common way to store your SRP is by manually writing it down and keeping it somewhere safe. While we encourage all users to take this important step, we want to offer additional peace of mind. This is why we’ve introduced encrypted iCloud backup.

This new feature encrypts your 12-word SRP and securely stores it in a unique Passkey. By leveraging iCloud Keychain infrastructure, your Passkey is automatically synced across all your devices. This means you no longer have to worry about lost or new devices.

Recovery is simple: you can import your iCloud backup with just a few taps. You’ll also always have the option of manually importing your SRP.

Best-in-class security

Kraken takes security extremely seriously, which is why we engaged Trail of Bits, an industry leading security auditor, to conduct a thorough review of our code.

We’ve designed the iCloud backup feature utilizing cutting-edge security features.

  • Encrypted cloud recovery using Passkeys with Large Blob extension for iOS. Compatible with iOS 17 and later versions

  • The Large Blob extension enables the secure storage of user-specific data that is cryptographically bound to a Passkey credential. (Your SRP is stored directly with the Passkey)

  • This data can be retrieved only when the user successfully authenticates with the Passkey

What does all this mean? You don’t have to trust Kraken or Apple to know that your Secret Recovery Phrase is securely stored . Put simply, only you hold the key to view and use your SRP. Apple can’t see it, and neither can we.

Get started with iCloud backup today

We’ll show just how simple it is to create and import your iCloud backup.

Create a backup

It’s quick and easy to create a backup with Kraken Wallet, whether you’re a new or existing user.

New users can simply tap the Back up with iCloud option when creating a wallet. You’ll then still have the option to manually back up your Secret Recovery Phrase for additional security.

Existing users can navigate to Settings and tap the Back up with iCloud option to get started.

Import a backup

Simply tap the Import button and select Import from iCloud.

Don’t have Kraken Wallet yet? Get yours today!

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These materials are for general information purposes only and are not investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell, stake or hold any cryptoasset or to engage in any specific trading strategy. Kraken does not and will not work to increase or decrease the price of any particular cryptoasset it makes available. Some crypto products and markets are unregulated, and you may not be protected by government compensation and/or regulatory protection schemes. The unpredictable nature of the cryptoasset markets can lead to loss of funds. Tax may be payable on any return and/or on any increase in the value of your cryptoassets and you should seek independent advice on your taxation position. Geographic restrictions may apply.

The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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