
HTX Ventures Invests in Nexio to Enhance The Bitcoin Ecosystem

9 aug 2024 4 min gelezen
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Powered by MoveVM, Nexio’s parallelized Bitcoin rollup supports over 30,000 transactions per second while maintaining gas fees below $0.01, making it ideal for high-frequency applications. This technology addresses critical challenges in the Bitcoin ecosystem, including slow transaction times, high gas fees, and inadequate tooling that have hindered mass adoption.

Nexio has recently raised $2.2 million in pre-seed funding led by Lattice Fund, with participation from HTX Ventures. Aiming to revolutionize Bitcoin’s scalability and usability, this funding will enable Nexio to accelerate the development and adoption of its parallelized Bitcoin rollup technology. Nexio is establishing new norms in blockchain technology under the leadership of co-founders skilled in Bitcoin zkVM Rollup development.

Nexio’s technology combines a zk-Rollup, Multi-Party Computation (MPC) Threshold Signature Scheme, and the Fractal interpreter to set new benchmarks in speed, security, and interoperability. By utilizing MPC Threshold Signatures, Nexio prevents single points of failure, offering robust, decentralized transaction validation that is more secure than traditional multisig approaches.

“Nexio’s innovative Bitcoin scaling solution is designed to enhance Bitcoin’s capabilities and bridge the gap between different blockchain ecosystems. It seamlessly integrates applications and liquidity from Move, Cosmos, and any EVM-compatible ecosystems into Bitcoin,” said Edward, Managing Partner at HTX Ventures. “Nexio also offers highly competitive low gas fees while providing a high TPS infrastructure. HTX Ventures is excited to support Nexio in unlocking a new era of innovation and adoption within the Bitcoin ecosystem, facilitating the growth of complex DeFi applications, gaming platforms, NFT marketplaces, and infrastructure projects on its platform.”

“Nexio’s vision is to unlock Bitcoin’s full potential by providing scalable, secure, and cost-effective infrastructure,” said Charlie Gordon, co-founder of Nexio. Through its partnership with Movement Labs, Nexio has built a framework that combines horizontal interoperability through high-throughput modular Move Virtual Machines with vertical composability. This integration enables developers to build with Aptos move, Sui move, and Solidity, ensuring robust cross-chain functionality and seamless asset movement across platforms.

Nexio aims to achieve several key milestones in the next 6-12 months, including the rollout of a permissionless testnet and the subsequent launch of their mainnet solution. These developments will mark significant steps toward revolutionizing the Bitcoin ecosystem with enhanced scalability, security, and interoperability.

About Nexio

Nexio is revolutionizing Bitcoin scalability through a parallelized Bitcoin rollup. The team is building a suite of products and services that empower developers to leverage the power of Bitcoin for complex DeFi applications, gaming platforms, NFT marketplaces, and infrastructure projects without compromising on security or efficiency. Nexio’s technology supports over 30,000 transactions per second with ultra-low gas fees, making it ideal for high-frequency applications. Led by co-founders with significant expertise in Bitcoin zkVM rollup development, Nexio is setting new standards in blockchain technology.

For more information, follow on X @buildnexio and on Discord

About HTX Ventures

HTX Ventures, the global investment division of HTX, integrates investment, incubation, and research to identify the best and brightest teams worldwide. With more than decade-long history as an industry pioneer, HTX Ventures excels at identifying cutting-edge technologies and emerging business models within the sector. To foster growth within the blockchain ecosystem, we provide comprehensive support to projects, including financing, resources, and strategic advice.

HTX Ventures currently backs over 300 projects spanning multiple blockchain sectors, with select high-quality initiatives already trading on the HTX exchange. Furthermore, as one of the most active FOF (Fund of Funds) funds, HTX Ventures invests in 30 top global funds and collaborates with leading blockchain funds such as Polychain, Dragonfly, Bankless, Gitcoin, Figment, Nomad, Animoca, and Hack VC to jointly build a blockchain ecosystem. Visit us here.

Feel free to contact us for investment and collaboration at [email protected]

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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