
HTX Rolls Out USDT Deposits for USDD Flexible Earn with Stable 12% APY

5 mrt 2025 3 min gelezen
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HTX Upgrades USDD Flexible Earn with 12% APY

USDD 2.0, launched on TRON on January 25, 2025, is a decentralized stablecoin backed by a multi-layered security and risk management system. By implementing overcollateralization, liquidations and auctions, a Peg Stability Module (PSM), and decentralized governance, USDD maintains a 1:1 peg to the U.S. dollar while mitigating  volatility risks. According to Justin Sun’s tweet data: “As of now, over $180 million USDT is available in the contract for conversion with USDD. The total USDD minted is over $200 million.” (USDD data available at https://usdd.io/data).

HTX has enhanced its USDD Flexible Earn product, officially enabling USDT-based subscriptions. Users can use USDT to subscribe to the product at a 1:1 conversion ratio with zero slippage. Following the conclusion of a promotional 20% APY period, the standard yield for USDD Flexible Earn is established at 12% APY, still significantly outpacing similar stablecoin products in the market. With hourly compounding and flexible redemptions, investors can secure  stable passive income, regardless of market fluctuations.

Why HTX’s USDD Flexible Earn?

High Yields: 12% APY outperforms industry benchmarks for stablecoin passive income products.

Zero Slippage Conversion: Seamless USDT subscription at a 1:1 ratio.

Instant Liquidity: Subscribe and redeem anytime, with hourly compounding.

Benefit: Individual subscription quota as high as 10 million USDD, allowing for large-scale earning potential.

Institutional-Grade Security: 12 years of secure platform operations with over 10 million global users, ensuring a safe and stable yield experience.

How to Participate?

To get started with USDD Flexible Earn, you need the HTX app version 10.44.0 or above or visit HTX’s official website. Navigate to “Earn”, choose USDD Flexible, and use Spot USDT as your funding source. Enter the desired amount and confirm. Earnings accrue hourly and are automatically reinvested, with redemption available at any time.

More Ways to Earn: HTX’s Diverse Passive Income Solutions

In the dynamic crypto market, no one can accurately predict the next big move. HTX provides a diverse portfolio of high-yield investment products, including XCN Flexible (20% APY), USDT Flexible (10% APY), and 7-day Fixed for BTC, ETH, and USDT (10% APY). This comprehensive offering allows users to generate passive income across various market conditions.

As a global leader in digital asset trading, HTX is committed to optimizing user investment experiences, offering high-yield, secure, and stable earning products. Moving forward, HTX will continue launching innovative passive income solutions, empowering users worldwide to navigate crypto markets with confidence and financial security.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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