
HTX Releases October Security Monthly Report, Prioritizing User Asset Protection

14 nov 2024 2 min gelezen
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Account Security: Fortified Protection Against Phishing

In October, HTX sent over 280,871 security reminders to users, a 22% increase from the previous month. These reminders were distributed via 253,208 emails and 27,663 SMS messages. During this month, the platform made continuous efforts to reinforce security education, enhancing users’ awareness of risks and helping them avoid potential pitfalls.

To combat phishing and fraudulent activities, HTX proactively tackled phishing websites and fake app download pages. It successfully targeted and shut down 5 phishing websites and fake app download sites, safeguarding users’ account security.

Transaction Security: Safeguarding User Assets from Theft

HTX’s commitment to transaction security is evident in its proactive measures to prevent asset theft. In October,  the platform successfully intercepted 7 withdrawals attempts to scam addresses, recovering 12,689 USDT in assets for users. Additionally, HTX also accepted user reports through multiple channels, resolving 13 incidents involving external stolen assets flowing into the platform and assisting in freezing stolen funds totaling 491,745 USDT, up by 183% from September. These efforts showcase HTX’s rapid response and a strong sense of responsibility in transaction security.

Asset Security: Preventing Black Address Risks

HTX’s dedication to asset security led to the addition of 190 new blacklisted addresses in October,  a 26% month-on-month increase. By intercepting 13 deposits from these blacklisted addresses, totaling 32,946 USDT, HTX effectively prevented high-risk funds from entering the platform, ensuring a secure and compliant trading environment. HTX reaffirms its commitment to further optimizing security strategies, enhancing user protection, and working closely with its technical team to provide a more reliable asset trading environment. Moving forward, HTX will continually enhance its security system to address increasingly complex threats, ensuring the steady and secure growth of users’ digital assets while providing a safer and more efficient trading experience.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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