
HTX Pioneering P2P Crypto Trading on Telegram with New Mini App,Enjoy Exclusive Perks and Rewards for a Limited Time

9 sep 2024 3 min gelezen
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HTX Telegram Mini App: A Seamless Bridge from Web2 to Web3, Convenient and Secure

With the HTX Telegram Mini App, users can now easily complete P2P trades anytime, anywhere via Telegram without switching to other apps or websites. Search for ‘HTX’ on Telegram to find the mini app,  “HTX – Trade Crypto Only on HTX”, where you can start trading right away.

Once you enter the HTX Bot chat page, you can select your preferred language, and then open the mini app to start trading or participate in referral activities. The user-friendly interface ensures a smooth experience for all, from beginners to seasoned traders.

Transactions can be completed quickly within the mini app, whether you’re buying or selling. You’ll also receive real-time updates on trading information. This platform is ideal for those who prefer trading on mobile devices or Web2 users looking to step into the Web3 world.

Limited-time Giveaways with No Entry Barriers

To celebrate the launch, HTX is offering three exclusive promotions, allowing users to explore this new trading platform while earning exciting rewards.

Activity 1: Share 10,000 USDT in Mystery Boxes

Users who finish their first login to the mini app will stand to share a prize pool of 10,000 USDT in Mystery Boxes, provided that they complete the P2P trading task. All participants who complete a P2P trade via the mini app, regardless of the transaction amount, have a chance to win a Mystery Box of digital asset. It’s a unique opportunity to experience a brand-new P2P trading way while also standing a chance to win easy rewards.

Activity 2: Refer Friends to Win Mystery Boxes Worth up to 2,500 USDT

For loyal users of the HTX Mini App, seize this juicy chance to earn with your friends. Refer your friends and earn Mystery Boxes worth up to 2,500 USDT.. The more friends invited, the greater the rewards — maximizing both the joy of seamless trading on Telegram and the potential returns.

Activity 3: Buy One, Get One Free on P2P – New Users Exclusive

As a special thank-you to new mini app users, HTX is offering a buy-one-get-one reward. During the promotion, registered participants who buy at least 1 USDT via P2P on the mini app will receive 1 USDT as a reward. Each user can only participate once for a reward, making their first trading experience even more valuable.

The HTX Telegram Mini App serves as the gateway for Web2 users to transition smoothly into Web3, featuring secure and convenient P2P trading. Start your journey today by opening Telegram, searching for “HTX – Trade Crypto Only on HTX,” or clicking here to dive into the new approach to crypto trading. Don’t miss out on the exclusive rewards and promotions.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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