
HTX Launches Convert: Easily Exchange Cryptos with Zero Fees

15 nov 2024 2 min gelezen
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Easy, Zero-fee Conversion for Mainstream Cryptos

HTX Convert offers a user-friendly interface and a streamlined process, making trading more intuitive and convenient. With just a few steps, even first-time users can complete conversions quickly.

At HTX Convert, cryptos are exchanged based on real-time market conditions, with live quotes displayed. Transactions are processed swiftly without any fees involved.

Currently, supported pairs include BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, SOL/USDT, DOGE/USDT, TRX/USDT, ADA/USDT, FIL/USDT, XRP/USDT, TON/USDT, and AVAX/USDT. According to HTX, more pairs will be available for more flexible conversion services.

An Easy Guide to HTX Convert

1. Preparation: Before you start, ensure your Spot account balance is sufficient to cover the order amount.

2. Login and Access: Log into your HTX account, tap Buy Crypto on the homepage, and then find the Convert feature in the upper left corner of the page. Alternatively, you can tap More on the homepage to get to Convert.

3. Coin Selection: Choose the cryptos you want to exchange, for example, converting USDT to BTC. Enter the amount of USDT you intend to pay, or tap All to automatically input the maximum available amount. Once you enter the amount, you will see how much you can expect to receive.

4. Confirmation: If you are satisfied with the conversion rate, tap Convert to confirm your order and start the exchange. Please note that the quoted price will expire after a short period as it is subject to the latest market price. You need to tap Convert before the quote expires; otherwise, you will have to refresh the quote.

5. Processing: Your transaction will be processed immediately, and the cryptos received from conversion will be credited to your Spot account.

6. Results: You can check the cryptos in your Spot account and view your order history in My Orders.

HTX, as a platform dedicated to providing premium crypto services, believes that the new Convert feature not only simplifies the trading process but also creates greater value through zero fees and real-time quotes. HTX will continue to enhance trading experience and contribute to the broader adoption and real-world application of cryptocurrencies.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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