
Everything You Need to Know About Binance Launchpool: How to Farm Tokens, Calculate APY & More

7 sep 2020 4 min gelezen
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The amount of tokens you earn each daily is proportional to the amount of tokens you have subscribed to the pool vs the total number of tokens subscribed to the pool. (See a more in-depth explanation here)

You can earn the new token for a total of 30 days. The first seven of those days are before the token is listed on Binance.com, at which point you can immediately trade any tokens you have earned.

The tokens you earn are distributed to you daily, and you can add or remove tokens you’ve subscribed to the eligible pools at any time.

Basically, you get to accumulate a brand new coin, prior to (and after) a guaranteed listing on Binance.com, for free. Not a bad deal, right?

What’s next? You’ve got your tokens and you’re ready to farm, but how do you get started? Check out the simple guides for both web and the Binance mobile apps below:

Web Version

1. Go to the Savings page.

2. Click “Transfer” (right-hand side) for the token you want to use to subscribe.

3. Input the amount of tokens you’d like to subscribe.

4. Click “Transfer Confirmed” (located at the bottom right of your screen).

5. Done! It's as easy as that.

App Version

1. Go to “Savings”.

2. Click “Subscribe” on the token you want to subscribe with.

3. Input the amount of tokens you’d like to subscribe

(The app hasn’t been updated to show “Launchpool” on the UI yet, but your tokens still count)

4. Tick the “Binance Savings Service Agreement” (If you’ve read it and agreed.)

5. Click “Confirm Purchase”.

  1. Done!

Join Binance Launchpool Today!

Is your thirst for knowledge not yet satisfied? Check out some quick-fire FAQs:

Who can participate in Launchpool?

Anyone with a Binance.com account! (If you don’t have one yet, click here!)

What do I need to participate in Launchpool?

All you need is more than 0.1 (for example 0.1 BNB) of any token supported in a pool.

Which pools are supported?

The supported pools for each project will vary, but as a rule of thumb you can find the list on the project’s Launchpad page ( here is Bella Protocol’s).

Are there any limits?

There are no upper limits, meaning you can stake as many tokens as you like. The minimum you can stake for each token is 0.1 (for example 0.1 BNB).

What if I’ve already subscribed my tokens to flexible savings?

If you’ve already subscribed to flexible savings prior to the activity period beginning then you will need to make an additional subscription of 0.1 or more of the coin you subscribed for your funds to qualify to earn aunchpool rewards.

When do I get the tokens I've farmed?

Everyday, between 00:00 AM and 1:00 AM (UTC), any tokens you’ve earned will be distributed to your spot wallet.

How do I see the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of each pool?

The APY of each pool will be visible once trading opens for the token that is being earned.

We’ve made a basic model for the BEL token to give you some idea of what you might be able to expect. Please bear in mind that this is highly variable based on a number of factors.

BNB Price


Total BNB Locked


Total Value Locked


Listing Multiple

Week 1 APY (%)









Can I trade the tokens I've farmed immediately?

Tokens you earn in the first seven days can’t be traded until the project has been listed on Binance.com. Once trading is live and from the 8th day onwards, you will be able to trade any tokens you earn as soon as you get them.

Has Launchpool replaced Launchpad?

No, not at all. Launchpool is a new initiative to help you safely farm new coins from existing assets. In fact, there may even be times when both run concurrently.

How can I see my daily average BNB holdings?

You will be able to view your average BNB holdings on the project’s dedicated Launchpad page after the staking calculation period starts.

Will the BNB I’ve used to subscribe to Launchpool be still counted for Launchpad and any other airdrops etc?

Yes, you will still qualify for airdrops, Launchpad eligibility, and VIP benefits, etc.

Are the tokens I’ve subscribed to Launchpool locked for 30 days?

No, not at all, you can withdraw (all or some) whenever you like. You can also add to your staked amount at any time.

Where can I learn more about the projects on Launchpool?

Binance Research will be publishing reports on each project hosted on Launchpool.

Hopefully, that will cover most questions that you have! If you have any other questions at all, please shoot us a tweet at @Binance and we will answer as many as we can!

Join Binance Launchpool Now!

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