
Claim all 5 History in the Making Collectibles for a chance to win signed editions from Williams Racing drivers

17 jul 2024 3 min gelezen
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Because each edition was released for a limited time, many fans did not have an opportunity to collect all five editions. We’re going to remedy that, starting now.

From now until July 26th at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (while supplies last), all Grid Pass holders can claim ANY previous unclaimed edition.

But that’s not all…

We will be taking a snapshot of all Grid Pass owner accounts once the claiming period is over. Each account that has all five editions will be airdropped a special commemorative sixth collectible from MBSJQ!

But wait, there’s more…

10 Grid Pass Holders that have all five editions at the snapshot time will be randomly selected to receive a physical copy of the sixth collectible signed by Alex Albon and Logan Sergeant!

So what are you waiting for?? Claim your free collectibles today!

Claim your collectibles

Eligibility: For full terms, conditions and eligibility requirements, please see Williams Racing’s terms and conditions.

Don’t own a Grid Pass yet? That’s okay!

Get your free Grid Pass today to unlock instant perks (like a 15% discount on all Williams Racing merchandise) and to claim all five editions of the History in the Making collection.

Get your Grid Pass

Ready, set, go!

Whether you’re a motor racing fan or a digital art collector, this is an opportunity like no other. Claim your free digital collectibles today and become eligible to receive a physical collectible edition signed by Alex Albon and Logan Sergeant — courtesy of Williams Racing!

Claim your collectibles

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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