
Bitfinex Pay – Release V0.7.7

7 feb 2025 3 min gelezen
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We’re pleased to share the latest updates to Bitfinex Pay. For more on Bitfinex Pay, please refer to https://blog.bitfinex.com/category/bitfinex-pay/.

Token Compatibility Updates

Removed Tokens

  • Tether EURt (Ethereum) has been removed from Bitfinex Pay

Added Tokens

  • Quantoz USDQ (Ethereum) has been added to Bitfinex Pay

  • StablR USDR (Ethereum) has been added to Bitfinex Pay

  • Tether USDt (Solana) has been added to Bitfinex Pay

  • Solana has been added to Bitfinex Pay

Merchant Dashboard


  • The Default Overview view has been changed from Daily to Weekly

  • Added a new flow to handle merchant switching accounts when in the Dashboard. Now the user is redirected to the Overview of the switched account, and a green message confirms the account switch

  • The Hours field in Expiration Time has been removed from POS Checkout creation and edit forms, as the max allowed is 30 minutes

  • Improved the error message shown to a customer when either trying to create a recipient after reaching max recipients or when trying to send a payout when the limit has been reached

  • Payout status is now automatically updated in the Payouts menu

  • Improved the information provided on Payout Failed payments, informing of failure type and instructions on specific cases

  • Improved the error text when Tax ID is too long when creating or editing a Payouts recipient

  • Improved the tag alignment of the Recipient type in the Payouts menu

  • Payout limits can now be seen in the Settings menu (only visible to merchants with Payouts enabled)

  • Added a button to remove the “Address Form” from the recipient creation and edit modals

  • The recipient type tag has been moved from the Recipient field to the Category field

  • Improved the error message shown when trying to create a recipient with an email used by another recipient


  • Fixed an issue causing the error for max allowed expiration time not to trigger when editing the minutes fields in POS Checkout creation

  • Fixed an issue causing amounts to be shown in scientific notation in Refund flow

  • The Create Invoice button in the Manual Invoice Generator modal was clickable when all fields were empty. The button is now unclickable until all required fields are filled

  • Fixed the contact link in the Settings menu

  • Fixed some excessive decimal points being shown in the Payouts menu

  • Fixed some design issues in the Payouts menu

End Customer Payment Flow


  • Added a new disclaimer when the invoice expiration time is less than 10 minutes, informing the user of the risk of the invoice expiring before the payment is completed


  • Fixed an issue causing the wrong chain/token to be shown in the “Verifying Payment” screen

  • Fixed an issue causing the token field to be greyed out when there is only one token available for payment

Start accepting crypto payments with Bitfinex Pay today: https://pay.bitfinex.com/.

The post Bitfinex Pay – Release V0.7.7 appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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