
Binance.US joins IAFCI Advisory Council to help prevent and combat financial fraud

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As a member of the IAFCI Advisory Council, Binance.US will play a key role in providing strategic guidance and recommendations to the IAFCI’s Executive Board and Board of Directors on matters of policy, direction, and strategy.

Furthermore, Binance.US will join a new cryptocurrency working group that will deliver training, educational resources, and best practices to the IAFCI’s network of over 7,800 members across the globe, including law enforcement, card associations, banks, and more.

“We are honored to join the IAFCI Advisory Council and advance our shared mission to combat financial crime in the digital asset space,” said BJ Kang, Head of Investigations at Binance.US. “We look forward to collaborating with other Advisors to help equip investigators, both nationwide and internationally, with the latest tools, knowledge, and training.”

Today’s announcement underscores Binance.US’s commitment to security and compliance, from providing investigative assistance to law enforcement to actively working with intelligence sharing and security organizations like the Crypto ISAC and Illicit Virtual Asset Notification (IVAN) to help prevent financial crimes and protect the digital asset ecosystem.

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