
Binance.US integrates Fireblocks to expand custody offerings and bolster wallet infrastructure

11 sep 2024 2 min gelezen
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Fireblocks is an enterprise-grade platform delivering a secure infrastructure for moving, storing, and issuing digital assets, having created over 250 million wallets and secured the transfer of over $6 trillion in digital assets since inception. Binance.US customers will continue to enjoy the exchange’s existing superior spot trading experience and expansive staking offering – complete with over 150 tokens available to trade and over 20 tokens available to stake – while now benefiting from the safety and functionality of Fireblocks’ multi-layer security and fast, flexible wallet technology.

“As part of our continuous efforts to improve our exchange infrastructure and enhance the Binance.US user experience, we are excited to integrate Fireblocks to expand our custody offerings and introduce new wallet solutions,” said Christopher Blodgett, Chief Operating Officer of Binance.US. “The integration of Fireblocks and the broadening of the custody technology providers with whom we work reflects our commitment to creating the most secure, frictionless venue to trade, stake, and store crypto. Moreover, we expect that our integration of Fireblocks will enable increased token support over time. We look forward to continuing to innovate and deliver added value to Binance.US customers.”

“We are proud to have Binance.US join the growing number of leading institutions that rely on Fireblocks to optimize and scale their digital asset operations securely,” said Michael Shaulov, CEO of Fireblocks. “Our wallet infrastructure provides the highest level of security and operational efficiency, which aligns perfectly with Binance.US’ commitment to protecting customer assets. We look forward to supporting Binance.US’ continued innovation within the US crypto market.”

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