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Binance and SEC Lawsuit Paused for 60 Days

12 feb 2025 2 min gelezen
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The ongoing legal battle between Binance and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken a new turn. Both parties have agreed to pause the lawsuit for 60 days, following the establishment of a new crypto task force by the SEC.

As reported by Fox Business journalist Eleanor Terrett, this marks the first instance of a lawsuit being temporarily halted since Mark Uyeda assumed his role as acting SEC chair. The reason for the pause is the potential impact of the newly formed crypto task force, which may influence the resolution of the case. Terrett noted that the work of this task force could help facilitate a resolution between the two parties.

Will We See More Lawsuits Paused?

Following the 60-day period, both Binance and the SEC will submit a status report to determine if additional time is needed. The pause could also set a precedent for other ongoing cases in the crypto space, including those involving Ripple, Coinbase, Kraken, and others.

In January, Binance and its CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing that the SEC had failed to meet the necessary criteria under the Howey test to prove their allegations. This move, along with the formation of the new crypto task force, signals a shift in the SEC’s approach toward regulating the crypto industry.

Crypto Friendly Regulations Incoming: SEC Acting Chair Mark Uyeda has acknowledged that the previous administration's enforcement-heavy approach created a hostile environment for crypto businesses. Uyeda emphasized a more crypto-friendly regulatory approach to foster industry growth while ensuring proper oversight.

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